Next Fest February 2024

Round up of demos I played and some thoughts

Counting this cause I played it during my demo streak that was brought on by next fest.

I have tried a fair amount of times to like FF7 remake and i think this is the nail in the coffin for me. I played the original FF7 two years ago and really liked it! It seems like the people who are in to this are having the best time! Why not me??

I just really dislike so much about the style of these new games. The combat feels truly mindless to me. The traversal is boring. The dialogue is at times quite embarrassing. Every time I see this hyper realistic half anime half real person version of Tifa say a normal sentence with a real human voice and then do an anime pose for the camera I want to exit my body. Every one of these cut scenes is radiating the energy that this game is made for perverts.

So anyway, did not really have any fun with this demo. Probably like 5 mins in to it I walked in to a room and had some gigantic musclebound freak doing free form karate and giving Cloud a truly nonsensical speech that had to have been two whole minutes.

Happy for the people that like this but I can’t shake the feeing that these games are extremely not good!
Been playing this demo for weeks but I guess it technically counts as a Next Fest Demo. Potential GOTY material here. Dopamine limiter removed. Feels maybe a little too addictive so I'll probably try to steer clear of making this my only thing when it comes out.
I am such a huge RE fiend so I was obviously going to check this out. I hope that the full game has a bit more of its own identity but I can't say I wasn't loving every second of this one.

PS1 polygonal stuff seems to be in vogue these days and I haven't seen too many games that nail the look quite like Crow Country. I'm definitely no expert on the matter but the character models and environments felt so similar to something like FF7.

Fully guffawed at the campy opening. Great stinger at the end as well. Excited to check out the full game!
Man! I love the world and the tone and the look of this game so much. I even love the mechanics! I just hate the UI! I understand that it's all intentional, but I think that it gets in the way of itself. You can do a clunky weird UI without having there be one thousand words and random lines and menu options all over every part of the screen. I understand that's the point but I think maybe it goes further in to illegibility than intended. That workshop tutorial is brutal. Totally grinds the tense pacing to a screeching halt. But I guess that's just how survival games are and I'm looking for the wrong thing in the wrong place.

Could be worth powering through all that because everything else is great!
Genuinely excellent stuff. The traversal and the juice is all here. If there's some variety as you go I could really see this being a top notch platformer. Only concern is that I could see my hand hurting from holding the right trigger so much. Stopped playing this before it ended cause it's likely I'll play the full thing one day.
Ooooh yeah baby. I was feeling this one. The single bullet thing is so unique and feels great to control. I found the loop of marking all the targets and taking them out one by one to be super addicting. One of the few demos I stopped short on cause I didn't want to see too much.
Anyone talking about this demo being 55GB??

As I was playing this my brain just kept repeating "oh no" over and over again. You can tell that a ton of hard work went in to this so I hope the devs find an audience but... sheesh! Not good!
Was really not expecting to have such negative feelings about this one. I think metroidvanias have kind of evolved past the point where they have to start out not fun and then become fun as you acquire abilities. Really did not like the movement in this. When I saw that the first unlock was a double jump I rolled my eyes. For a game that presents itself as so alien and bizarre, the structure could not be more predictable to start.

Personally, I also do not like the look. It's definitely not ugly but I think I kind of just don't gel with the fungal bio art vibe. Feels similar to what Cocoon was doing which I also didn't love. Also, maybe i have rocks for brains but it kind of isn't very readable to me?? So many thing look like breakable objects, or like they are in the foreground when they are actually in the background. I just kept stopping to inspect stuff and realizing it was just a cool thingy in the background.

The eating for upgrade system was cool. It takes way too long for the plants to grow when you plant a seed.

I'm gonna stop cause I'm being a hater and the game really isn't that bad.

Very simply achieves a truly serene vibe that so may games try so hard to have. If I was capable of relaxing this would be so good. It's the type of thing I would totally recommend to so many people in my life but couldn't play more than 8 minutes at a time on my own.

Brain is busted.
This game is completely insane. You play as this chibi Jake Gyrenhall half Ghibli monstrosity kid who has a dragon ball looking jet pack. Look up a picture of this kid he is off the charts weird. I kept whipping the camera around to see him and losing my mind.

You get sent to this bucolic heaven planet by your DadGrandpa who may or may not be Eckhart Tolle. He narrates the whole game and it is just out control nuts.

The actual game is like a journey-esque wander around the beautiful environment type experience. You pick up notes from you spiritual grandpa and he reads half the page while you ascend 60 ft in the air in under 2 seconds with your jetpack.

The whole experience had me in this halfway state between meditation and goblin mode. Would totally recommend.
This is SO buggy but the concept is good enough that I still like it a lot! THPS with some combat is really all this is but who cares? The skating feels pretty close to a classic THPS game and the combat is good enough. If they polish it up this game will be good!
Been searching for a city builder that grabs me like Frostpunk for a long time and this did not do it but it's pretty cool. Love the theme and the art style. Mechanics are cool. Pretty standard city builder fare here. The district stuff seems like it could get pretty neat.
If this has enough variety and can scale difficulty properly it is shaping up to be a top tier game for playing with friends
Need to see the where the whole game is going to really know how I feel but the presentation in this is amazing! I loved the look of everything and the transition moments were so disorienting. Definitely felt on edge the whole time and interested in seeing what goes down in the final product.
WOW! I kinda just downloaded this cause it had a black cat. SO IMPRESSED with how good this is.

Maybe I am just automatically endeared to any game where you play as a cat but also the longer I played this the better I felt about it. The intro section has such a great gag at the end. The dialogue in general is very cute and funny.

Idk what else to say! Combat is good, movement speed is good, dodge roll is good. The animation for swinging the broom is pretty funny. I had a great time with this and am gonna keep an eye on it!
Scrolled past this like ten times cause I was put off by the look of the game at a glance but then I saw some video of it in motion and was really impressed. Look like a 2000's era cartoon network show come to game life.

Writing is pretty funny and I loved taking pics around town. Not sure how actually fun I find the gameplay but I'm interested enough to see what people think when it releases.

Not to be reductive but I mainly was thinking about how I should probably get around to finishing Earthbound while playing this.
I love tactics. I love cards. I love cute shit. This is definitely my kinda thing. The art and the writing is just charming enough to keep you going. Loved it!
Feel conflicted about this for personal reasons.

The atmosphere is so great. I actually was shakin in my lil boots like ten minutes in to the demo. The way they play with suspense in this is so so good and had me afraid to turn every corner.

The world and the writing are also great! I was really getting sucked in from the second the demo started. Also, this might be a back handed compliment, but I was shocked at how good the voice acting was! Usually when I open up a next fest demo and I hear an actual human voice I have to extend all of my graces to not immediately be a hater, so I was really pleased when the first cutscene started and I was just in to it.

The only reason I said I was conflicted is because the whole time I played this I felt guilty about still not having played Silent Hill or Silent Hill 2. I wish the original versions were accessible in some simple way cause every time I try to emulate them it's a disaster. HELP ME PLEASE!
I'm a sucker for deck builders and this one is neat. LOT of mechanics here and a little overwhelming how quickly they throw them all together. I would need to play like 20 hours of this to know if it works or not but for now I'll say I had some fun!
Not feeling it. Died once and uninstalled. Sorry :/
Very fun! Had to resist the urge to replay the level over and over again so I could move on to other demos!
Gave me a seriously good laugh
Not sure why I tried this cause I've never even played the original.

Very cute and kinda fun!

Should probably try the regular game but also probably never will. Oh well!

Also didn't finish the demo. Probably only played for like 10 minutes. Maybe less.

Maybe shouldn't have even listed this.


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