The most fun little time killer around. In fact, it feels revolutionary in this time of mobile games and the convenience and flashiness of them; only this game feels way more charming than anything on the App Store right now. Nintendo, release this on mobile you cowards! Or give us more Wario.

I know it's cheap to compare it to GTA but this truly is more fun. As much as I like the later installations, they can seem try hard in comparison to this. Whilst it's still a little dated in feel, I love how this game plays. The customization is insanely versatile and fun; Music selection is actually fantastic; and the amount of wonderfully weird game modes feels endless.

It doesn't have a grounded feel and that's ok. Saints Row isn't trying to teach or parody anything like its competitor, yet I say its biggest detriment is how the main story just feels like aimless murder sometimes. Again, the random and shocking humor you can get from this is hilarious and I love the feeling of building a gang in this faux-New York. Totally underrated.

Pretty wack honestly. Grateful for the extra remote and the tank mini game but it should be cheaper or bundled with Wii Sports.

Not a terrible idea of a game but it could have added way more to make this not one of the worst games I've played. I can't believe I paid money for this empty experience. Get the family around to play royalty-free songs? I'll pass

Still, it offered the most awkward E3 presentations ever and I can't stay mad at that.

Yeah this is a masterpiece I think about often; I consider getting a Wii again just to live in this world again. I love when Nintendo hones into this Mii world as, introduced here, feels so quaint; people just having fun on this beautiful island (which you can explore, best decision ever) living their best lives. It doesn't look like the most sustainable economy on Wuhu island judging by their lack of exports and even a functioning hospital, yet people are vibing and im here for it.

So many great games on here too! With the badges making it feel more expansive and challenging. Even playing this by yourself has hours of fun. I'm not ashamed to call this one of the best games made, and a personal love of mine.

Literally one of the only games my folks played. It was short lived and they never played anything else after but that feeling of being a kid and getting your parents to play the thing you love is both victorious and amazing.

Good fun games too (including mini-games); incredible soundtrack; and just the cutest visuals. Hmmm, if this game offered more then it would surely make this a little better. Guess we will see....

One of the bigger disappointments I've played. As a premise, Control is awesome: Dynamic gameplay and an SCP style lore to it. However, it gets totally dull very fast. Its gameplay is repetitive and easily exploitable; with a story that fails to grip you along side totally vanilla characters.

If they ever do a sequel then I'm sure they can fix this. This first game though is not as fun as you would think and overall a letdown. Even the Alan Wake DLC: a game I really enjoyed, wasn't all that good. Great visuals and sound design though.

Waited for ages to play this game. First I was repulsed with its style and vibe when I first saw it released when I was an innocent 13 year old (still grim but not as bad as something like Kane + Lynch or Hitman Absolution). Then, I played the first Max Payne and got into Hong Kong action films - which made me understand this more.

I like this game a lot. It is a post-noir game that has the coolest set-pieces of all time - seriously, bullet time here is the best shooting mechanics ever, fortunately with great AI too. I mainly like the tone as most shooters like this feel more like Aliens rather than Hardboiled: that meaning I love the serious tone paired with these over-the-top setpieces - compared to stiff gameplay something like Gears of War has.

Personally, I prefer the wackiness of the first games combat (flawed and all) even though I can really appreciate the polished rollercoaster this game is. Heck, even with a banging soundtrack this game offers - I like the silence and gunshots the first game had. Regardless, it's a consistent trilogy that's so much fun.

Also, I never played the multiplayer.

I wanted to play one Fromsoft game before I proclaim i'm a gamer and here we are. The vibe and the gameplay are unmatched here! I played Jedi Fallen Order before so unfortunately I knew the gameplay structure as those games are similar. But the gameplay is heighted by the Berserk style vibe that feels fascinating and dangerous.

The first half is awesome; the second half has a noticeable dip but it's not as awful as people make it out to be; DLC slaps too but how on earth are you expected to launch it?

Anyway, peak experience. left an emotional crater after I finished the game. I just wanted to be back in the universe which I haven felt since Wii Sports Resort.

BTW: I played a strength play through. Couldn't imagine playing its any other way. Also, I didn't do any online stuff considering I'm a loner.

Rewatched the original Alien in cinema last week and it made me think of this. Both absolutely masterful in their respected artforms! The level design is used so sneakily against you and the threat of the alien is unmatched. even when he's not in the set piece, the atmosphere is more choking than actually being in space. Totally awesome and somehow IGN thinks this is a 5.9 (they're unreliable and wrong).

Revisited this after watching the show and i've always had a complicated relationship with this game. Never before was I so hyped and then disappointed in a game - only to recently look back more favorably.

It's easy to judge the game by its cut content, as well as other games of the franchise. What we have instead is a really tight looter shooter still based in one my favorite fictional universes. As well as having a fun settlement system.

The thing that bothers me is the story, its missions, the shallow conversations and choices you can make. It lacks depth compared to its predecessors as well as that dire and hopeless vibe being replaced with this cute sandbox that is Boston. Yet overall, its gameplay takes centerstage and is the fondest thing i get out of this divisive game.

Also the DLC is mid at best lmao.

It's cute but it thinks it far funnier than it is. The gameplay is pretty entertaining but it thinks it far more fun than it is. It's short, it's bland, it has far less features than you think it does. Just play Max Payne or Hotline Miami if you want a rush of heroic bloodshed.

One of the best and vibrant kart racers ever. In fact, It just gets better and better the more you learn and master it. The Adventure mode is cute too and I love its goofy concept.

Then playing the time trials to get N-Trophy was a total ballache.

Then Activision at to get its grubby hands back in it and kill this game. Which includes adding insane micro-transactions and making this game exhaustingly grindy.

Lets look back at the the happy times, easy 10 for me :)

Totally awesome level design and aesthetic that just keeps you playing and playing. This game is just too addictive that I started the Richter mode straight away. A timeless classic.

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I've watched a Let's Play of this recently so I thought it was appropriate to look back at this game.

I love it and it's absolutely worth the hype. Surprisingly for the same reason I love film. You see, it's easy for video games to be de-individualised behind companies that make it; it's rare for singular voices to be heard. In film, I love seeing what a director puts out: the theme of their stories, the style, the passion behind what the produce. Here, we have the rare case of one individual making history with a touchingly personal, extremely entertaining, and monumentally impressive feat.

Toby Fox gives us a fun romp of an adventure in every sense. Its humor is its instantaneous charm: the plays with the RPG's of the past, the outstanding music, and the story really subverse your expectations of the game that truly make you the player feel like you're on a crazy quest.

Furthermore, that fourth-wall breaks aren't used lazily, those are the aspects that make you believe you're playing something special. I remember I did something I regretted, loaded out before it saved, and then got CALLED OUT by the game as soon as I felt like I got off scott-free.

Its remarkable! I love this game beyond words and I always find myself coming back too it, especially the music.