Ignoring the second game this is just amazing, incredible value ur getting in this collection its a must buy. I'm not even a big fan of hack n slash, but man these games really just are that good

It's really not that bad, just take everything the first game did, make it worse in every way imaginable, but you now have a dedicated dodge button and you have dmc 2. It's trash, but I've played worse.

This review was written before the game released

Greatest game I ever played 10/10 it doesn't get better than this.

If you haven't played this game, you need to.

Game is actually terrible now, first 3 season are 5/5 stars for me, but my god it's actually cancer now

Peak PUBG was actually so much fun, it was never really good just fun when it was new and battle royales were still new to the scene.

havent played in ages, gets boring really fast


I actually despise this game

One of the greatest soundtracks in all of gaming

Used to love this game i have like 600 hours on it, fallen outta love with it hard havent played it in over a year now, lots of good memories playing this game though.

Most slept on call of duty, game is actually goated idc what you have to say about it

Best multiplayer game ever made

Greatest game of all time no debate suck my dick if you dont agree