6 reviews liked by NotsamaeL

It should be illegal for a game to be this good.

Every second of Hi-Fi Rush was a joy to play through and just made me smile the whole time, it was so criminally fun. The game never slows down. It just keeps amping things up and adding new abilities and moves and doesn't overstay it's welcome. Before the fights can ever get old, the game adds some new feature to keep it fresh. I played this on hard difficulty and it was a good challenge that was really rewarding.

It's incredible and I was not expecting it to be this good. The vibes are unmatched and I wish that all video games could have this much effort and soul put into them.

Ugh still need to get Riddler's trophies but I must say that I did not get fatigue playing the trilogy in just two years

Probably maybe the best soundtrack in any game ever, so funky and the game is very vibey. Just pure vibes. Makes me want to vandalise some public property.

Minus half star for some minor things like the tricks and police system could be more complex, and the oil pyramid area layout is stupid. Nothing that a good sequel couldn't fix ;D

The Pyramid Song section is a spiritual experience.

When I was in Jr. High I would sometimes pretend I had a lazy eye because I wanted to be Thom Yorke.

It took a while for me to get engaged with the game because I thought that stealth was the correct way to play it. I was disproven otherwise and from then on I adapted a semi-chaotic playstyle. The only thing I could see as the downside was the slow first sections of the game that could potentially turn off players and admittedly made me put down the game for months. I liked the straightforwardness of the story and the characters but the main highlight for me is the visual presentation, environments, and missions that offer a stack of variations that could cater to all kinds of players. Up next for me is the DLCs.

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