It instantly became boring after the first week of grinding for items and bells, though the graphics do look nice and the crafting was fun I must say.

Those Paper Roblox and Adventure Forward games by Explode1 from 2016 were absolute kino

It's nice for what it is, there isn't really that much to comment on because of how extremely short it is though.

Dropped it at the last second just to play Royal and it's probably staying that way. It was a first-run and I unintentionally missed out on some confidents until late game.

It was my first exposure to the game, I spent a ton of hours on my first world even though it had its limitations.

Personally, it's neat. I liked the art direction it went for and the gameplay made it fun to strategize during each part of the game.

It easily got boring 20 minutes after playtime, though the only memorable parts were the minigames.


The ambience is really nice to listen to while playing the game and the visuals were satisfying. The story seemed very interesting though I dropped it off mid-way in, but I think I'll be picking it up again when I have the time.

For what was a 6 hour game the level design was nice, though some of the jumps were hard to master at first. The combat itself felt slow most of the time which was my main issue. The series itself has good ambience music and the animated cutscenes were pleasantly done. The characters weren't special, but I somewhat preferred them over the ones in Catalyst.

It's very nice as an introduction to the PS5 and as a showcase of what it's capable of, the graphics were stunning and the vegetation was really well made, especially in GPU Jungle. Although it has little to no story I've had some fun with the gameplay, however some of the powerups were somewhat boring or just not fun to use in general. The music design for the game was well done and the songs did feel like they were designed for their corresponding worlds. It was nice for what was 6 hours of gameplay.

This review contains spoilers

The story could've been somewhat better and I think some parts were cliche or just weren't delved into deeper, but the gameplay mechanics and maps were alright. The music is top-tier, Machine Girl really did some good work on the game.

Although the game itself has 3D Models of every character it doesn't seem to utilize them that much aside from missions, the only cutscene that isn't a visual novel only exists at the end of the game.

With the Story I've felt that Neon Yellow just wasn't used as much in the game.

It looked very promising for what would eventually become, I did enjoy some of the changes and mechanics that would be later implemented in the full release.

I used to rage a lot in Hypixel and The Hive servers during 2014. 10/10

The end of the game had some Z-fighting and clipping on some parts of the map and the writing was poor, but the start did look promising. I also didn't like installing the EA launcher for something that was already deprecated. Though I did like the art direction it went with for the city and the ambient music was nice.