Finally finished all the story missions. Liked the Wind Waker additions but it's a shame more characters weren't integrated into them, nobody cares about Lana and Cia!

Love the first, first time playing the second. Way prefer 1 still, 2 is a bit of a mess honestly. Still enjoyable!

Great dungeons, wonky pacing. Loved this back in the day but I get why some didn't click with it now.

Replayed 2, a previous favourite. I still do enjoy it but the rough edges (aka the terrible combat) really changed my perspective. So cool to have these on Switch now and beating the shit out of the Pope is still a delight.

The tragedy of Suda51 wanting to finish this series is that every entry is so unimaginably creative and anarchic that it should be the one game series that NEVER ends. Brilliant stuff.

Fun little shooter, wish there was a bit more meat on it though. Awesome duel system. Liked this more than the RDR games.

Bit torn on this one. Loved the world and visuals but found the combat mechanics so vague that I only found myself fully grasping the systems in the last third making for a frustrating experience. Still, I did enjoy that final third and may revisit in the future.

Cool freebie but deeply depressing. Lacks the forward momentum of the best LiS stuff and would probably have been better off integrated into the full LiS 2 game.

Cool next-gen showcase thing. Would love a full Matrix game with this level of production quality.

How did they make Tetris so moving? Great game, though sometimes the visual flair actually impeded the gameplay for me.

Gorgeous, charming platformer as well as a surprisingly lovely tribute to the PlayStation platform. My girlfriend and I took turns playing and had a blast. A masterpiece of a tech demo!

Satisfying bullet hell with a cool visual twist. However, the sheer amount of particles can make this difficult for the wrong reasons. Really enjoying this Playstation subscription that gives access to cool little games like this.

A towering achievement. I could never quite handle this on PS2 (hated the controller) and despite some controversial art style choices I really loved this. Intelligent and emotional with not an inch of fat: a pretty perfect game.

Really fun, expands on the original to deliver a great Star Wars romp. Really unpolished though and the story goes on for a bit longer than it really needs to.

Amazingly realised open-world that is zero fun to play. Awful slog with irresponsive controls and tedious detail that makes simple actions take far longer than necessary. For all of the narrative self-importance it lacks the impact of the most basic Sunday afternoon John Wayne joint. Done with Rockstar after this.