I'm sorry I just find this game kinda boring

I truly wanted to love this game, because I really like the art direction, but no matter how many times I've tried to play it I just find it boring

I played it too long ago to feel comfortable giving it a score, but I have so many fond memories of playing this game after school with my friend

One of the greatest games of all time. Both the campaign and multiplayer are masterpieces. I haven't been able to play it in several months though because Respawn are hacks that left the game out to die.

Really disappointing after how great VII was. The combat was not nearly as enjoyable and just felt like a slog. The story was unengaging and the characters for the most part were annoying. The graphics on a technical level were better, but it lacks the visual charm of VII. I rushed through the last half of the game leading me to get stuck on the final boss (underleveled), but I just didn't have the desire to do the necessary grinding to beat her. I really just don't care enough.

While the gameplay has aged really poorly in a lot of places (most notably the minigames), I had an overall great experience. The story and characters are all great, and the combat is good enough to make playing through the game an enjoyable time in spite of its age.

Chapters 1 and 2 were great, so hyped for the rest of the game

I played this mainly with friends and enjoyed that aspect of it, but don't think I would have liked it nearly as much on my own. I played it very casually and didn't like PVP or any of the endgame content, so I guess its really just not my type of game.

Very disappointing when compared to Victoria II