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This game feels like a fever dream

Hey wait a minute

It really hasn’t aged that well

Yay, I’ve always wanted to beat up politicians

“Do you like the Nintendo DS?”
“It’s ok.”
“The early games were a little too arcadey for me.”
“But when New Super Mario Bros DS released in ‘06, I think it really came into its own.”
“The whole game has a consistently simplistic yet outstanding quality from start to finish.”
“The game also carries notable usage of DS download play, a staple feature of the DS.”
“This combination of feature-packing and innovation really gives the game a big boost.” It’s been compared to the original Super Mario Bros.”
“But I think it has a far more accessible level set, with streamlined design so well made, most players won’t even appreciate the intricate care put into them.”
“But they should, ‘cause it’s not just a fun and entertaining game, it’s also a personal statement about the company itself.”
“Hey Paul!”
-Batrick Pateman 2006

I’m never going to play this game ever in my life, but Jesus Fucking Christ that’s no excuse to dox the creator, holy shit what the fuck is wrong with you

A disappointing travesty that was so rushed that Daisy (of all characters) was missing in the first version of the game. How dare this game come out on my birthday.

Basically the original game but with several major quality of life improvements and (in my opinion) has better and balanced gameplay.

Also Mario in this game is the ultimate scrunkly

A solid puzzle game with the coolest gameplay concept i’ve ever seen. The story is admittedly paper-thin and the sequel is leagues better then it

🎶No motive, no crime.🎶
🎶No motive, no crime. No motive, no crime.🎶
🎶Sing it with me.. I remember, when we used to search...🎶
🎶 in the Channeling Room in Kurain...🎶
🎶Good cases we have, good cases we've lost... Along the way...🎶
🎶Every case is gonna be air tight... Every case is gonna be air tight...🎶

Call Phoenix Wright if you’re not guilty.
Call Saul Goodman if you’re guilty.

Absolutely iconic and a near perfect triumph

This game is smarter then it has any right to be.