Pathetic excuse for a "deep narrative" this game dares to spit on the face of the millions of people who have violently resisted colonial oppression, prejudice, and labor exploitation. I really think whoever wrote this pile of shit needs to go read some books instead of sitting in their posh apartment spitting on the poors and whining about how if we use violence we are just as bad as the bad guys.

At least the gameplay is passable and the world design is good. I just can't get over the writing, narrative, and worldbuilding.

What a PERFECT ending.

This game is more of the first. It has some hiccups along the way but it is just another amazing romp through this post apocalyptic world.

Campaign is like a B tier action game but the Multiplayer could have been so good. 343 absolutely left us in the gutter in terms of content. It is amazing how bad they fumbled the bag with this game. Barebones in terms of content on launch with a lot of wack feeling weapons and they have barely improved on it since then.

Don't waste your money on the campaign and don't waste your time on the MP.

Value/Price comparison is off the charts. Too bad they borked the multiplayer.


I did not complete this game. I played it all the way up until the (plot moment that everybody knows where the game radically changes)

I really liked it despite its flaws. It was a lot of fun to mess around with all the different abilities and gameplay mechanics the game throws at you.

In my opinion this is the current pinnacle of the social deception genre. Getting a group of friends together to play this is so much fun and leads to so many moments of frustration and glee. This game is like if you were to add actual gameplay mechanics to among us.

This game is a decent RTS. For sure worth the money on sale but sadly it still falls short in key areas. Most large scale RTS's like this have issues with scale where there is not a ton of consistency as to what a "good" scale is. It seems like the ideal map size is 2 planets with 1 moon or large asteroid. But most of the time factions end up killing eachother before anything really cool happens.

The pro to this is that the game has really good combat and base building with charming graphics. The con is that a lot of the selling points are rare if not nearly impossible to see without manufacturing a scenario for them. The AI is competent and fun to play against but with the pace of the combat I have not personally seen "planet killers" being used without doing it myself or ignoring the AI completely.

I have done 2 50% runs of this game now. I always fail to complete it at around the same point. I want to like this game because of how highly acclaimed it is but I struggle to find the appeal of it. The universe is cool and interesting the combat is simplistic but engaging and yet the RPG mechanics fail to deliver. This game is hardly a choice based RPG when you essentially get the choice between being a right c*** to every person you meet or to be an angel sent by god to fix all their problems. I find myself comparing this game to the Kotor series and fallout new vegas and coming to the conclusion that they both did a better job of delivering solid writing with satisfying RPG mechanics.

Somehow this game is still the pinnacle of the franchises campaign's. This game made you feel like a soldier fighting through all the fronts of world war 2 rather than a supersoldier in a hollywood blockbuster. Too bad we probably won't get another COD campaign like this.

Kenshi is a really good base building strategy RPG. IMO it doesn't do a lot more than that. I have a lot of personal gripes with the game but none of them are particularly relevant because it is clear that the devs and I would disagree on the direction we would want to take this game. I would recommend this game to people who like big sandboxes with a lot of grind. The lore and worldbuilding the game does is probably the best part and I cannot wait to see what they improve on with Kenshi 2.

I think this game is underrated. I think this game is a buggy frustrating mess but I also think it is the current pinnacle of first person space real time strategy role playing games. There are very few games that scratch the itch that this game scratches and even fewer that are designed to be played in single player.

- Frustratingly long grind
- Euphoric levels of rewards
- Buggy and broken AI that fails to function 10-20% of the time
- A simplistic but easy to learn UI
- Player control of the smallest and largest ships in the game
- Endless possibilites (provided you are willing to invest 100+ hours into them)
- A large open map full of derelect ships, loot caches, and lock boxes
- Mushroom Hunting in the Forest (Crystal Mining in the asteroids)
- Clunky and unintuitive management controls
- Hard but very engaging combat
- OG Minecraft tutorial design (wiki and youtube lol)
- Dope ship designs
- Dope modding scene
- A universe that feels full of life but also completely lifeless

A very specific kind of person will like this game. I would argue that 80-90% of people who read this review probably think they are that person and are wrong. This is not to gatekeep the game but just do your research and understand what you are getting into before you purchase this game. It will take at a minimum 8 hours to get your bearings and figure out how to do the basics. After that it will take dozens of hours of grinding to really make a name for yourself in the universe and after that it will take even more hours before you even get in a position where you can think about building the largest ships in the game. It is awesome and a brutal experience all at the same time. I cannot wait to get back into the game and spend 4 hours just getting a mining ship outfitted and automated.

This game is more of a remake than a remaster but IMO that is why it works so well. The original half life was literally my first FPS and I don't even know how many hours I played it for on CD. The original is hard to return to these days and the team at the crowbar collective managed to faithfully recreate the feeling of playing through the original half life for the first time. The mystery, the storytelling, the vibes are all there and hold up well.

This game has so much potential and it amazes me that the devs have seemingly dropped the project entirely. This game did so much right and with proper tuning and some more content it really could have reached an A tier title.

Still sad we will never get co-op.

This game suffers from the same issues the Halo Wars series suffers from. It was designed to be played with a controller which strips a lot of the dexterity you get from a keyboard and mouse. I give it 3 stars not because of this but rather due to the unsatisfying core gampley. It is certainly enjoyable for a time but easily falls apart and I struggled to complete the campaign let alone have the desire to regularly play the skirmish mode.