Digimon: "Hey, can I copy your project homework real quick? I need a good grade for this JRPG assignment."
Megami Tensei: "Yeah, sure. Just make sure to change it just enough so that it doesn't look like you copied me."

The next day...

Digimon: presents this game, gets an A
Megami Tensei: "Oh shit, he actually understood my advice and cooked something special. I'm proud."

This game feels like when your father comes back home after being away for more than a decade, but he only arrives to get one of the suitcases he left behind before immediately walking out the door.

It's the Overwatch of gacha games; the game is ass but it goes hard as a rule34 tag

David Cage truly is an innovative auteur, he found a way to make a story so shitty not even Wilhelm Dafoe could save it.

ReCoded is the inverse of KH Days where it would be S tier if you weren't required to do the minigames and if the plot wasn't just a pointless retreading of KH1 "but this time characters say the word data." The core gameplay here is some of the best in the series, but at the end, I'm left thinking "man, they should have just implemented this combat into Days, it would have been the best KH handheld game period."

That said, h.a.n.d should design more combat systems for games, that would be very epic and cool. Just look at NEO TWEWY.

Sonic Forces me to eat a goofy nothing burger and shit it out for a few hours

This happened to my good friend Arjun one time

SNK cooked so hard with this game they burned all their yen doing so

Now this is a deal right here, they released the Cheetamen theme along with 52 free games.

TPC magically summoning 25 million unnamed Pokemon fans to play League of Legends (featuring Pikachu)

Me: "Hey mom, can we get Romancing SaGa?"
Mom: "We have Romancing SaGa at home."
Romancing SaGa at home:

Our old Discord names died for this shit



Crazy to think this series was a fighting game for one entry and then the devs went "nah this shit sucks, let's just do something completely different."