I can't believe they had the audacity to copy Elden Ring the greatest game of all time.

Apart from 4 bosses, the game way easier than anything I'd expected. Kept scaring myself thinking every boss had 2-3 phases cause of how easy they were.

Glad they said Dark Souls three times tho

I played it around the time it came out. I enjoyed it, but not a lot.

I am glad I revisited, it was an amazing experience. I'd like to thank Elden Ring for making the journey way easier than what it would have been

Really enjoyed the final boss battle.
Catching pokemon was really fun for once. Still could use a lot of improvements, from the story to gameplay.

Pokemon AI sucks. The graphics are ass. Screen turns to blue every single time you hit the edge of the a zone. The turn based battling works sometimes, but feels completely out of place during boss fights so I never opted for it.

Completing the pokedex is finally something doable and doesn't require for you to buy the same game again or get nintendo's bullshit online subscription. And has a proper reward. The alpha pokemons were a great addition too.

I did not like it at the start and kinda wanted a refund. But it's kind of a late bloomer. It gets fun, but not too much fun. Don't see myself ever replaying the game, even though I really enjoyed 2 bosses

So far, it's the only game I wished that I paid more. I had so much fun playing it, even the frustrating parts were so fun. It's the kind of game that makes you fall in love with gaming