First Soulslike that reaches FromSoft quality. Can't wait for the sequel, Cries of D

I hate the final boss so damn much. Such a fucking pain of a fight. My god is it so fucking boring and elongated. I had a relatively good experience with the game till that fight.

I never want to think about this game cause of that fight. Thank fuck, I didn't spend a single penny on this game. I'd never be able to forgive myself if I did

Really enjoyed the final boss battle.
Catching pokemon was really fun for once. Still could use a lot of improvements, from the story to gameplay.

Pokemon AI sucks. The graphics are ass. Screen turns to blue every single time you hit the edge of the a zone. The turn based battling works sometimes, but feels completely out of place during boss fights so I never opted for it.

Completing the pokedex is finally something doable and doesn't require for you to buy the same game again or get nintendo's bullshit online subscription. And has a proper reward. The alpha pokemons were a great addition too.

I've gotten into gaming recently, films have been mostly my life before it. Japanese filmography has been key in that.

Seeing the Miike love was the best part of the game for me.

Worst was the fucking hope it gave me that maybe I'd missed a Miike No More Heroes movie or that there was a chance for that in the future.

I love Norse Mythology and I love God of War, so God of War Ragnarok and 2018 should be match made in Valhalla for me.

And yet, they're not. I'll go over only my issues with Ragnarok here.

GOW Ragnarok, knocks it out of the park with its narrative, character development, graphics, combats and refines mechanics from the prequel. In comparison, GOW 2018 looks like a demo, a trailer or a prelude.

It's a wonderful game with a lot of passion put into it. I can discount the puzzles being hard to figure out sometimes, because everything just blends in due to the quality of the graphics.

But NPCs constantly ruining puzzles and back seating combat was much more frustrating than being hard stuck on puzzles could ever be.

The need the game feels to hold your hand for the most basic shit is so condescending and ruins the overall experience. Without it, this could have easily been the best game in the franchise.

Come on man, how can you innovate so well in accessibility and not add the option to stop NPCs from bastardizing the whole experience.


I would have loved it more if only the difficulty was better tuned. Action focused mode just makes most enemies a chore to fight no matter how insignificant.

Their healths are needlessly bloated. And when it comes to story focused, the bosses have so little health it doesn't feel as satisfying.

Overall I enjoyed my time with it. Didn't like Eikon battles that much, even tho that was what drew me to the game

Gameplay is clunky, hit boxes are anything but intuitive, Combat severely needs to be balanced. No boss fight felt remotely rewarding, but I had some fun with the normal fights.

Art style, characters and some beats of the story were really well done. The ending didn't payoff for me. It just feels like an incomplete game that could be really good with some polish in all areas

Performance on switch isn't bad, no stuttering, no severe fps hits. But there would be the occasional pop in and textures disappearing between loading screens.

And the game menus on handheld mode looked 480p or an even lower resolution

why is there gameplay in my anime??

I can't believe they had the audacity to copy Elden Ring the greatest game of all time.

Apart from 4 bosses, the game way easier than anything I'd expected. Kept scaring myself thinking every boss had 2-3 phases cause of how easy they were.

Glad they said Dark Souls three times tho

Even though it was linear, playing it was so damn fun. I loved the bosses, the puzzles, the world and the characters. Never thought I'd say this again. But I have found my favorite Zelda game.

I liked the areas a lot more than the base game. The dlc bosses were really fun. Ludwig had a low health bar, but Kos was amazing. DLC was the best part of the game. Not sure if it worth buying twice tho

First time I picked it up, didn't play for long and wasn't much of a fan.

But now that I have ended it for the first time, I'd say that was fucking awesome

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Too much of a good thing can be a bit sucky too. Mostly loved it. Combat wasn't amazing, flying bits were awful.

The second last fight was amazing, should've ended it there. I like the idea of the final one, but it just killed the mood

I was so intimidated by it because of SoulsBorne's reputation. But honestly it's not difficult. It's just a whole lot of fun