For a game that takes place in the past, its mechanics are very modern. Finally! Different aggro 'Mons, different sizes, interesting boss battles, great Pokedex concept, great catching mechanics, and a better turn based system. Surely Game Freak would know that this is the future of the franchise right? Right????

Such a legend of a game tbh, a shame I did like two bosses and then forgot about its existence. Some of the best combat in a while. Pretty difficult though. I remember dying in the tutorial 4 times. It doesn't leave much room for error, a double edged sword.

What's not to love? The combat. On mobile it sucks and on Switch, it's okay. Not a big fan of combat in these types of games but it feels like MInecraft in the sense that you never truly quit the game, you'll always come back.


Love the game, love Greek mythology, love the gameplay loop, and I love the graphical art style. Was even surprised it had voice acting. However, something feels off. I get burnt out fast even if I play over the course of a month. I get my fix on that fast and high-paced game and then I get burnt. And yet something else is off. Idk if I'll ever play this again.

Two playthroughs done and I still come back to it. Simplicity is fun and it is nice to take a break after the world has been saved already. Bug catching and the entirety of the flower breeding just to finish the museum (Stardew Valley's equivalent of the community center) is the worst of it. And surprisingly, fishing in the rain on the boat causes severe lag for a couple of seconds, Idk why.

What feels like more games has led to a fantastic experience. Pixel art games are among some of my favorites, the challenge is real while at the same time there are little cheat options. Built in speedrunner timer really helps your skill level as well. As my first ever 2D platformer, it really opened my eyes to the genre a lot more.

Have yet to finish it and while I love the art style and find the combat to be cool, there's a massive boss fight every five minutes. Playing on the easiest difficulty still requires you to know the ins and outs of the combat. A game I want to play more of but currently, near the bottom of the list.

It becomes harder and harder to defend my favorite franchise when time and time again, they make incredibly stupid mistakes. Instead of improving upon Legends: Arceus's capture mechanics, there's now an auto-battling system which is used for easy leveling and for taking on Team Star bases.

The new Terastal mechanic is far better than the past couple iterations of new mechanics that we've had but still does not compare to the simplicity of Mega Evolution. The possibilities are endless with combinations however Tera Raids are just Dynamax Raids reskinned so it felt lame.

There are plenty of secrets to discover; well, kind of. It's mostly just a random item you'll either never use or one best used for competitive play.

Very few games I ever encounter bugs however this game has so many it still feels unplayable. Few patches and empty promises leave their first open world game an absolute mess.

Two stars deduction for an unpolished buggy mess that may scratch that Pokemon itch however it is clear that Game Freak tried capitalizing on Legends:Arceus far too soon.

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As someone who finds Japan to be severely overdone as a source of stories for gaming, this game proves why Japan is still a prime country for storytelling.

Jin Sakai's character growth from traditional samurai to becoming the ghost is some of the best growth I've seen in quite some time.

The combat for the game is absolutely amazing. The different stances needed for taking on different types of enemies add to the difficulty. It takes a bit of getting used to constantly switching to the combat styles and different kinds of bows but in the end, it makes you feel like a god knowing the combat in and out.

The DLC really feels like it ties the game together and if I had to make a suggestion, play the main events before saving Shimura in the third act as the Iki Island story deals with the loss of Jin's father.

Your uncle acts as a father figure and at the end of the game, the shogun has sent him to kill you,. I guess defeating the Mongol invasion doesn't give you a free pass on not embracing the way of the samurai. Kill your uncle or spare him, you get different colored gear. Personally, letting him live really cuts the ties that you are not a samurai anymore whereas killing him shows your old ways aren't entirely gone.

Not even the nitpicks of can deduct a half-star from the amazingly spectacular story that is this game. Great challenges, lots of gadgets to use to help with combat (though it can make combat a bit trivial), plenty of easter eggs, and probably the best coherent story we have had.

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A massively long game and one for sure I eventually want to platinum. The amount of possible classes for each character to have is astronomical. Being my first Yakuza game, I was impressed with the turn based combat.

SPOILER INCOMING: I got to the point where I was able to recruit Kiryu and was evidently sidetracked by other games.

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The definition of a true open world game. There's nothing I can say about this masterpiece of a game that hasn't already been said. Deducted half a star for nitpicks such as rain, the stupidity of Hestu's Gift, and the fact that once you finish the game, it reverts back as though you never did.