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Onoe completed Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
This is the most perfect piece of content FromSoftware has ever made. SOE is the most atmospheric, beautiful content I've had the privilege of playing, with even more interesting and immersive gameplay. This is From's best boss design and the characters you interact with feel real and make you care for them more than I have with any of the characters in their previous titles (excluding Elden Ring base). The soundtrack is beautiful and the scenery of the shadow lands gives me chills. The difficult is there and I can understand the complaints but FromSoftware acknowledges this by adding in the Scadutree Fragment system that rewards the player with easier difficulty by exploring.

1 hr ago

5 days ago

Onoe backloggd _____

6 days ago

Onoe completed Cyberpunk 2077
I have no words..... the most immersive and heartgripping world you will ever be apart of.

11 days ago

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