Really visually striking and sonically chaotic game. Gameplay is solid as well with most levels playing differently from each other until about the last fourth or so.

Play it for the art, *excellent music", and be surprised by how fun it is overall. But don't expect the gameplay to be quite on par with the other elements of the game.

Really charming game with some great mechanics that is on occasion annoying to play. Specifically, I think the text is too small for the playdate, which is tough for a game with a lot of reading required. But I think it's a well designed game and it's mostly a joy to play.

Roller Coaster Tycoon is one of the best games ever made, I don't know what else to say. This particular version is a playable version of RTC, so worth owning

It's a touching story wrapped in some mechanical interest and gorgeous, if not harrowing, visuals. The game isn't long (honestly I think that's a good choice), but it's very thoughtfully made.

Good classic boomer shooter gameplay, good music, a perfect length.

This game is not art. It's pure entertainment and really effective at that. The story is not thoughtful but a perfect delivery system for giving players new cool Batman activities at a fast clip.

In contrast to the other Arkham games, this one gives you a car. Some folks don't seem to like it, but I rather enjoy it. It's just another activity between brawling, stealth combat, detective work, flying, and everything else Rocksteady built into the series up until this game. Your car feels like Mario Kart, so I'm all in.

Overall, really enjoyed the moment to moment gameplay if this, probably won't think about the specific story beats of it all too often.

MTG is one of the best games ever made, and arena is an acceptable client!

Weird to control at first, but satisfying once you get the hang of it. The music is honestly not my thing which has made it a bit less fun to pick up and play.

This is exactly my kind of game. Mostly, it's fighting dinos, but it mixes in just a little competition to keep it interesting. Really recommend trying it if you have gamepass

Great set of missions, a bit under baked in some meta progression ways.

Campy, fun, more Alan Wake. Holds up surprisingly well, feels better to play than original game for whatever reason. Excellent soundtrack!

Not quite as good as foundation, but fun and, hey, it's more control!

All timer kind of story and set dressing for a game held back from perfection mechanically. Remedy really begins to get better at gameplay over time, but this shows they have been master story tellers for a really long time.

It's not revolutionary but it is exhilarating nevertheless. Flat out fun and pretty.