Not Remedy's best game, but it is still a Remedy game. Story is at least interesting even if not always working and the time twisting combat is pretty fun

It's an extremely well made game, fun, looks great. For whatever reason though, I found it a bit of a chore to get through. I think that's more a me problem than on this game though. Worth playing!

This game is a bit inscrutable at first, but once you understand the gameplay loop, it's a real treat. Looks great, plays exactly how they want it, every drive is a journey

A really satisfying game mechanically and auditorially, with some uneven visuals and level design at times. However, at it's best it is stunning in all ways and a joy to play. Diving and gliding through huge clouds and through giant cliffs is just such a treat and the synth and guitar heavy soundtrack gives everything a nice sense of awe.

There is nothing here I can say that hasn't been said elsewhere. Simply brilliant game with a truly epic scale. As a multiplayer game, it is also incredibly funny

A really fun take on the souls like genre. Some cool twists on the formula, some legitimately good platforming, and an amusing set of characters really made this game a joy to play.

This game is buggy in spots and has some balance problems, but it is so fun that I don't care. Moment to moment gameplay is incredible. My favorite shooter in years.

It perfectly does what it sets out to do. Amusing, dark, existential, all at once.

Shadow of the Colossus with rollerblades. Another game that understands how to make thrilling 3D, fast paced movement better than sonic! Astounding sound design