Great open world, solid story, okay combat, great gear progression, and amazing iconic side quests. There's so much to do, and so much replayability. This will forever be one of my favorite games ever. Something about being a broken overpowered specialized monster in terms of stats in the end is just great honestly.


Really fun when high. I don't know what to write here. It's The Sims. You either like it or you don't.
DLC is still too expensive, obviously. You shouldn't buy them unless you're stacked.

A very good introduction to hyper fighters. Very good casual game. Much more simple controls.

It's Tetris. With Physics. If you like Tetris, play this. But also play it with a friend who also likes Tetris. Support indy devs!

This game may just be one of my favorite games of all time. It's a love letter to the 3D Mario titles such as 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy. The humor is top notch and there's just the right amount of collectables to look for. 10/10 speedrunning and modding support.
My only gripe is you can't rebind controls for some reason at the time of writing this.

A very funny and very good game. I was not expecting to have as much fun as I did with this. How is this free? It had me smiling the whole time.(My face kinda hurts lol)


I did not expect this game to be as good as it turned out to be. The platforming was never too hard aside from one or two jumps, and the game is breathtaking. When you clear the 5th chapter, it all hits your feels like a brick. A very memorable experience. Up there with "Journey" and "Unpacking".

Honestly, so much better than I remember. I just wish it had more time in the oven.

SR2 is really really good. It feels like a refined Saints Row 1 in all the best ways. The guns feel better, a lot of the mechanics are improved, and most of what made SR1 so good is here too and better. The humor in SR2 is top notch and all the music available hits the nostalgia points with things from MCR to P!atD and other hits from the time. The world has so much more to do and so many ways to customize a lot more things, it's incredible.

However, the PC port is horrible and barely playable.

Let me start off by saying that I tried every patch known to man to get this horrible piece of software to not crash constantly. You name it I've applied it. Not to mention how horribly optimized it is, which is something I am willing to overlook. Game runs like garbage, has tons of animation bugs, and crashes so often that it's sometimes hard to even finish a mission without it crashing and needing to constantly restart. I got to a point where you had to wheel a certain main character out of a hospital, just for the game to crash at the end and I had to redo the last two missions. That was where I lost any motivation to keep playing and instead looked up the ending cutscenes for each gang as well as the final ending. That is why I am abandoning it.

It was fun. I can't really say more. You know what you're getting yourself into when you pick up a game like this. It's cool cause they expand on this in the World Of Assassination games, only to drop it after like 3 maps.

After playing SR 1 and some of 2, I went into SR3 with a little higher expectations and they were met. Similar to how SR2 is a refinement of 1, 3 is a refinement of 2. And the remaster can be so pretty sometimes. Game feels great, multiplayer is fun but jank sometimes. Highly recommend SR3 if you are even a little interested in the series. My only gripe is that you do not spend much time with Johnny in the beginning so new people may not understand why his death is so big. And if you have played the previous games, there's tons of references and dialogue. Such a good game with so much life in it.

It's just so good. If you love stealth games, you're going to love this one. As a sandbox stealth game that has an emphasis on hiding in plain sight a lot of the time(but not all), it excels at every turn. The maps all consist of big maps that are almost completely non-linear, you always have a very clear idea of where your target is 90% of the time, and you're able to just about any approach you want to take out your target. And if you want a more linear approach to each target, there's always "Mission Stories" you can do, which are step by step objectives to killing your target in sometimes cool, sometimes hilarious ways. I personally recommend always doing them to get a good feel for each map. To top it all off, there's many different things you can unlock not only per map, but account wide such as different starting locations, different suits, guns and tools as well. This is the best the series has to offer besides maybe Hitman: Contracts. Very much worth your time, and more.

HOWEVER, lets talk about the elephant in the room: the game always requires an internet connection to save any map or account progress, removing all incentive to play if you are offline. I have had many times I have tried to complete all of a map's challenges and had the connection drop and not want to reconnect. This has caused me to lose progress many times. It is infuriating that this single player only game requires an internet connection. From what I understand it is DRM used for anti-cheat but why not just have your score for that run not be contributed to the leaderboard? It's that easy. The game shouldn't punish people for not having access to the internet. Without a connection, HITMAN III would be the most bare-bones title in the franchise. They should really update the game and remove the required connection aspect. It's terrible. Especially if you want to play in offline mode for whatever reason.

This game, or more accurately HITMAN II, is what got me interested in the series, as is the same with many others. This, and an incredible Steam sale for the entire franchise pre-World of Assassination made me want to try the rest of the series and god, I am so glad I did. Hitman has become one of my favorite franchises.

It was short and sweet with many lovely little interactions!

The pacing was a bit better than the base game, and you got weapons super fast. There were times I was wishing I had a certain weapon but not often. Highly recommend if you've played Half-Life 1. Very fun, and very fast paced.