A really rough, infuriating, and buggy start to an amazing franchise. I only recommend this if you're playing from the first game in order, or you really like Hitman. As a whole though, there were a couple of shining missions (Like literally two) but as a whole it was exceedingly frustrating and I myself disliked it in the end.

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin is a step up from the previous game. Much better visuals and a better menu system. The level design for the most part is much more open ended and it gives you a lot more room to be creative than Codename 47.
As for how well the game itself hold up, it's still pretty rough. A good time all around though and while not perfect, worth the time spent.

Very very good. They improved a lot and the game feels much more modern than previous titles and feels great.
I did have an odd issue where trying to select something scrolls twice making it infuriating to try and use things like elevators or open a door when there's more than two things nearby. This was enough to really ruin the experience for me. I can't say I recommend it because of this issue though.

It was jarring going from Blood Money to Absolution with the drastic change in game design, but overall I had a really good time. Just don't expect a normal Hitman game going in. It's a very well executed action stealth game however.


It was a lovely little game. <3
Took me about an hour to get all achievements. I recommend it and it's only like a half hour long. It has a nostalgic feel to it.

Short but sweet. I can see why it got so popular.

They somehow made it better than Portal 1. I don't know how but they did it.

It's just Portal with ray tracing... AND a new coat of paint!
I would gibe it the same rating as Portal, however, while it does look pretty as hell, it ran TERRIBLY on minimum settings on my 3060ti. How?? I got less than 30fps on MINIMUM SETTINGS. I feel very conflicted about this.

Honestly, I didn't think they could do it, but this may just be one of my favorite games in the franchise. The weapon selection is great, they all feel great, the level design is fantastic as it is very reminiscent of Ratchet & Clank Up Your Arsenal, and the movement feels just as good. The game looks so pretty too!

I did have some Issues though that I have to address. Sometimes, in some areas, my framerate takes a serious dive. In two different planets, in specific areas that you go through normally, it can get as low as 20fps for me with a mix of medium, high and ultra settings on a 3060ti, which is very inconsistent with the rest of the game that runs very smooth. Maybe this will get fixed in the future as well as some crashes that trigger pretty consistently with a specific weapon.

I was excited for this game when it was announced that it was coming to PC, and I am glad that it lived up to my expectations and more. When I finished this game not once, not twice, not three, but FOUR times, I could not stop gushing about it to my friends!

Honestly, it's up there with Going Commando, Deadlocked, and Future: Crack in Time.

While the game is older, it has aged extremely well. It controls fine despite the tank controls(assuming you're using a controller as intended). The pacing is great aside from the backtracking at the beginning. Every location is interesting, and although more leaning on the action side, Resident Evil 4 can be genuinely terrifying the first time though at some points(I'm looking at you, Regenerators). The game can be a bit difficult at first, but once you learn how everything works, I really recommend a second playthrough on Professional difficulty. All of this combined makes it such a good game.

Now, allow me to talk about something that in my opinion takes the game from great to fantastic, the Resident Evil 4 HD Project. [https://www.re4hd.com]. The effort this one guy put into this game is incredible and makes the game look so much better. Even if it's your first time playing, It may be worth setting this up first. It also adds re4_tweaks which adds more options and fixes to the game. Almost like an unofficial community patch.

If you have not played it, you really should at some point.

This game, along with the first Borderlands game truely pioneered the shoot and loot genre. We don't talk about Hellgate London.
This game has fast paced shooting with very good feeling guns and in some cases melee, minor platforming, and really interesting RPG mechanics. Although the story is not too complicated, there is a lot of lore if you look deeper and listen to things like ECHO logs. Borderlands 2 is simple in design but incredibly addictive. My only problem is that for some reason the PC version of Borderlands 2 is not very well optimized. I get terrible framerate on my 3060ti.

A very good prequel, or pre-sequal if you would, to Borderlands 2. Uses the same engine and assets as Borderlands 2. It's just more Borderlands 2, but a little different. I think it's better than Borderlands 2, but Borderlands 2 with all of it's DLC is just so much more to play, unfortunately making Pre-Sequel just not nearly as replayable. I do like that Pre-Sequel added more things like the player character speaking in conversation at times. It's worth playing if you've played Borderlands 2 and liked it.