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My favorite game of all time. I've beaten this around 50 or so times, including 5 times in one day, I've owned it on pretty much every console and unlocked everything every time. Me and my Mum would play this back in the day so it holds a lot of nostalgia and sentimental value. This is peak survival horror and i will always come back to it. The music is up there with the very best in any game, adding to the already amazing atmosphere, the fixed camera angels make it even scarier when you don't know what's around the next frame. Limited inventory space makes it so you have to be methodical and plan out your next step before going out into unknown. The setting is really what makes this so special though, an abandoned mansion hiding a research facility in the middle of a secluded forest at night, with zombies, dogs, spiders and all sorts of horrors just waiting to pounce on you. It's a horror experience that has yet to be topped for me, and yes, while some of the dialogue is really, really bad, after all these years and many completions, It's almost like hearing an old friend when Barry speaks his many infamous words.

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This was the first Visual Novel i played and whilst not being the best story you'll ever play though, it has great character building, great characters in general, the art style is very aesthetically pleasing to the eye and the music is used very well to emphasize and amplify the atmosphere. There's even a free DLC chapter which was okay but nothing too ground-breaking. The downside is that it is a pretty basic story and one that will get lost over time when you play better Visual Novels, however as a starting point, or even for someone who just wants a quick and easy story to get through, it's worth it.

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I doubt they’ll be anything within this review that you haven’t heard a million times before about this game. It’s a masterpiece. I have beaten and restarted it so many times and never bore of it and doubt I ever will. The controls just make this game what it is. I was never a fan of motion controls for the Wii but that all changed once I got my first power star. The music is amazing and fits the game to a tee (another soundtrack that I downloaded on my phone) I loved every second of getting the 242 stars, even the last secret level which really puts your patience to the test, the satisfaction of getting that last star was one of the best moments I’ve had in gaming. I can’t find anything bad to say about this beauty of a game. Phenomenal.

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One of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had, without a doubt. From the first steps out onto the Grand Plateau to 310 hours later collecting my last Korok seed, it’s a game I’ll never forget and one that will be hard to top. It was my first Switch game and one I found so hard to put down (I actually called off work several times “Ill” ) The sheer vastness and depth of the world is so far unmatched for me. I loved the combat, the quests and controversially, I actually liked the weapon durability and the fact it makes you try everything and anything. I can’t write enough good things about Breath of the Wild. If I had to try and find complaints, it would be the lack of memorable music (I mean come on, it’s Zelda, it’s needs music) the must have a guide collectibles were a drag and I felt the NPC’s were lacking any kind of point, just a text box with no personality. However, those flaws aside, one of the best games I’ve ever played and easily worthy of a 5 star review. HYYAAHH!!

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It may be harsh to give this such a low review, but I just found the initial charm and gameplay to just vanish after the third puzzle, and there’s 50 in total. After around the 15 mark, I used a guide just to say I’ve finished it. Really disappointing.

Nostalgia probably gave this an extra half a star rating. It’s a game I’ll always go back to for the feel of the old days. The music is some of the most memorable there is, I even have it downloaded on my phone. The gameplay is really good, close to perfect, the bonus stages are great along with the stage settings (lookin’ at you Casino Stage). It’s hard to find something to complain about the game, however I feel the last 2 stages and the boss are just unfair, I made it to the end so many times as a kid and very rarely beat the metal sonic, let alone Eggman. But none the less, it’s a phenomenal game that asks to be played again and again.

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The best thing about this is the actual case and extra bonus items that come along with it. The music is okay i guess, nothing that will live long in the memory. However that's all the good i can say about the game. The story makes little sense, not that you'd be playing for the story, but you'd want something more. The levels are not memorable at all, the controls at times feel stiff, not smooth at all. The bosses (Especially the last) are your typical bullet sponge, many phase irritants. I'm not sure why they decided on leaving the arcade style lives and continues either, it just doesn't work for the modern age. The campaign barely lasts over an hour too.

I see a lot of reviews of this being hailed as an amazing experience and one that will live long in the memory, however, nostalgia i feel plays a part. I wasn't a person who played this when it first came out on the PlayStation 3, my first time playing was 12 years later on the PC and it didn't do anything for me. I like the scenery and the tranquil nature, but the controls absolutely kill the overall vibe and make it next to unplayable. I found it to just be boring with no motivation to keep playing. A product of it's time, maybe?

I bought this during a sale for less than a dollar and i think i overpaid. It's a puzzle game that offers next to little guidance or help, it just throws you in the deep end and all you have at your disposal is clicking non stop hoping to get the right solution. I had to use a guide to get through the latter stages. Not worth the hassle or aggravation in all honesty.


I finished pretty much everything with one Character but couldn't bring myself to do it with everyone, it's just too much of a grind. However, the experience i had with just the one character was amazing. I played this back in the 2000's when it first came out and have gone back to it here and there to try and get everything. It's a great example of how controls and an open world should be (within a sports game, anyhow). The environments are perfect and i believe are the peak in the SSX series here, along with the controls. The music is on par with the Tony Hawk's series and i wouldn't be surprised to hear it shaped many people's taste in music growing up. Overall, a fantastic game with maybe just a little too much to do?

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It's hard to justify writing a review for a game that's less than 20 minutes long and has next to no game play or music. It's a pixelated storyboard essentially with text. It's a quick game that probably won't live long in your memory, helping a girl deal with anxiety as she goes to the store to buy milk. At some point, everyone has had to deal with this in some form or another, so it does address some real life issues, to an extent. Maybe if it had been longer with more issues or maybe more locations, but i wouldn't recommend this game. Even though it's free.

I finished both the game and the DLC. It's a short little puzzle game with a quirky story that involves demon girls and a macho man. It's pretty fun and challenging, but not to the point where a guide is needed to figure out. The music is really good too. Considering it's a free game, it's really worth a try if you want a quick and memorable game. A huge fan base has spawned from the game and it's easy to see why.