Why yes, it has better AI than ur mum

Steroid is my spirit animal

if Dark Souls invented video games then what did this invent...?

The canonical Nerevarine? A khajiit hand-to-hand master perpetually hopped up on skooma, what else. His name? Adoring Miaow Smoodger, which incidentally is an anagram of Morrowind is a good game.

"Not Enough Spirit, I'm Low On Spirit" my favorite druid quotes. Blzrzirzrad has truly revolutionized teh action RPG genre once more with their best work yet since Duplo Immoral, having to spend time riding a barely functional horse through an empty openworld is exactly what us Full Spectrum Gamers have all been craving for in our loot em ups. The itemization? Out Of This World, soMany conditional damage multipliers that rly make U think outside of the box ((Moar DAmage against slowed enemies...? HolyShit). Not to mention the incredible Game ChanGIng legendary powers like "this skill now does moar damage" or "this skill is now actually functional". My fayvorite character in the DARK and EPIC narrative was Mareyrelle Sue of course, she was sO cool and and Interesting and SMart, and I must admit I rly geekd out and even clapped when Duriel appeared and said "Looking For a Refund?". All In All I CanNot wait to purchas thePRemium BattlePass each season!!! 9.5/10

the gangstalkers out to steal my soul keep vandalizing everything with yellow paint and tape!! no matter how many times they break my sharp cutlery they will never make me submit to becoming SoulLess...THAT'SRIGHT, I WILL NEVER AUTOSORT MY GRoCERIES (I ALWAYS BUY EGGS). LASER SIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS!!!!!


Wanted to do more damage in an action game? We had a method for that: It was called "GETTING GOOD"
"Yes please give me -4% Backstab Damage Taken. Please give me -8% Quick Attack Ki Usage"
-Statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged
LOOK at what gamedesigners have been demanding your Respect for all this time, with all the computersoftware WE built for them
"Hello I would like +3.8% Yokai Close Combat Damage"
They Have Played us for ABSOLUTE FOOLS...


"HIISEJÄ voisi olla täällä." hän ajatteli. "En ole koskaan ollut tällä seudulla. Täällä voisi olla HIISEJÄ missä tahansa." Kylmä tuuli kohti hänen kaapuansa tuntui hyvältä. Helvetillinen meteli kaikui ja rummutti hänen kaivoskärryssä samalla kun madonveri kulki hänen vahvojen paksujen suonien läpi ja vei pois hänen (ymmärrettävän) pelon liittyen hiiseihin tuntemattomassa pimeydessä. "Kaivoskäryllä, voit mennä minne tahansa tahdot" hän sanoi itsellensä ääneen.

Featuring F. Norris (formerly Chuck) from the Texas Ranger series

JÄgged Alliance is back Baby. when Igor drank from his magical vodka flask that refills on kills to grant himself an energy shield I was like "They Nailed It!!!", but as I found myself pulling off flanking attacks for that sweet +20% damage buff for my boolets I knew I was playing a Tactical Combat Simulation unlike any other.

I knew I was playing an action gayming masterwork on par with Nex Machina upon picking up the laz0r sword and discovering that swinging it kills my momentum, but it clearly surpasses it since it's also a mature work of art for Adults Such As Myself just like my fayvorite Dennis "the Menace" Villanova moovies. The närrätive is reallyreally deep, clearly inspired by greek trägedies I know of slightly through osmosis, at the start when you leave the ship behind it says "Helios Abandoned" and Helios means sun which sounds just like son (DO U GET IT MY FELLOW LITERARY AFICIONADOS??). All em crazy bullet patterns that the bosses throw out and I strafe past whilst trying to not fall asleep reminded me of my favorite danmaku hoedown Enter teh Gungeon. Overall when it comes to over the shoulder third person scifi shooters featuring a big skeleton with orange glowing weakspots as the final boss it's clearly objectively inferior compared to Mass Effect 2 (it has way more BiG Buttz), sorry fennosweden, better luck next time....

At Long Last, Divinity Original Sin 3: Baldo's Gate has graced us and saved teh RPG genre and gameing industry in turn. Given that this masterwork spent three years in early access it is about as polished as one would expect, especially towards the end. When I benched Shädowheart the hedgehog out of the party early on and magically ended up with her macguffin artifact she'd been secretive and possessive of in my inventory so that the open-ended narrative where your choices matter™ would still play out as intended I knew I was playing a proper successor to Dragon Age Origins, but what really convinced me were all the dialogue options tagged as [Halfling] validating me for picking the best race, which made no actual difference but nevermind that (Arcanum is small time compared to this!!!). The Combat? incredible, I had no clue about 5E DND rules so finding out about concentration for instance blew me away, not being able to cast both cloudkill and haste truly made my wizard feel powerful and added so much more depth, how could Knights of the Chalice even hope to compare...? However there's no ♀tabaxi romance option (most important aspect of arpeegees as we all know) so the game fkin suxx0rz. End of line.

I used to have a steady gig as a stenographer within the industrial sector, even managed to score myself a top of the line moderately rusty Chevrolet Caprice and an apartment with A DOOR, but I lived in the same tenement as a guy who kept blathering to everyone that they were putting something in the water to turn the chumtoads gay and got labeled an anticitizen once the inevitable metrocop raid happened. I made it out of the city with nearly all my necessities but had to leave behind my most prized family heirloom... Now me and my mates Lazlo, Manwich and Cheaple live in the outlands around d2_coast_02 and try to make do. We've been planting lots and lots of ferns in order to liven the place up and also go jetskiing almost every day to say hi to the local ichthyosaur.

PS: I'm a proud owner of a H&K USP Match (most famously featured in the 2001 hit film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider)

I was assured that this pop-up book is meaning to be historically accurate Yet I did Not come across a single cat attending sunday mass and the prime murder suspect for some reason was not a rabbit. Why did Jsawyer.esp choose to conceal The Truth in this supposed depiction of medieval times..?? I recommend playing Battle Brothers instead (it prominently features Goblins)

YePP, the inventors of VideoGames have done it Yet Again!! Ace Combat 6 is mostcertainly The best game of the past eight months, move Aside pizzaTower. My Build of choice? Well I of course colored my gundam black&orange (cheeseD every boss with that setup believ it or not). And yes, the O-S-T is full of "absolute bangers that slap" As The Kids Say, when this fucking incredible track started blaring during that one arena fight (you know the one) I was like OYEaa we're GaminG now. OVerall this sequel to Sekiro is everything I couldve hoped for and more, thankyou Hideki Kamiya!!!