Hello We made the alleged worst part of the game as overwrought as possible and turned parts of it into James Cameron's Avatar (complete with epic ethereal female vocal soundtrack, just like you fondly remember), while also keeping everyone's favorite chapter Residue Processing completely intact. That'll be 19,99 macaronis + tip please, well worth teh price because otherwise you cant install that steam workshop mod that restores On A Rail, now can you...?

Truly revolutionized storytelling in the wolfendoom genre by adding in terminals that let you read riveting DeepLore about aliens with names like the sn'Ortis and the P'frmlkus. Not having any actual ingame interactions with the big bad AI is just part of the avant-garde metanarrative, you wouldn't get it my dear philistine who enjoys games where you can manually reload your guns. The assault rifle's bullet spread is comparable to Doom 3's shotgun so objectively speaking this game is very much ahead of its time, end of discussion!!!

You can tell that it's a good game because none of the local quote unquote Ace Combat fans have played it

Memba when this openworld PC exclusive was supposed to come out in 2007? I memba, turns out the fennoswedes that 3DRealms commissioned to make Max Payne 1&2 have a hard time putting together a fun game when Scott Miller isn't present to crack his whip and turn down their bad ideas, whodathunk. Anyway, Sami Järvi belongs at the bottom of a lake (alongside the rest of Helsinki).

That'sRight my fellow Thief: The Black Parade enjoyers, I would call this NuBlood early access product costing 19,99 sponduli units An Absolute Steal, if U know what I mean. An hour and a half of content (made in Unity) awaits thee o S rank stealth gameing aficionados, almost as much playtime as a single Thief FM, what's not to like...?

Thoroughly subverts and deconstructs the puerile black and white pro-altruism morality tale that is Star Wars, that's why the final boss is the embodiment of the dark triad (Darth Ayn Rand, she read Beyond Good And Evil one too many times) and you're scolded for falling to the dark side instead of getting a heckin epic badass ending where you and your evil psycho wiefU voiced by Jennifer Hale go on to conquer teh world. It's easy to tell Chris Avellone hated the source material, hence why this game that was meant to lead into a sequel is laden with references to obscure expanded universe crap, which Bioware went out of their way to ignore while making their love letter to the franchise where the hero must collect all the mcguffins and defeat (or become) the evilbadman with a superweapon. Playing as a mayun nets you a martial artist wife-U who blesses you with armor from wisdom (I have this feat IRL) while playing as a gUrl saddles you with a character with as much flavor as a wafer, naturally They made the latter the canon option. End of line.

i keep trying to log LyLatWars but this webzone wont let me, is it bugged?? someone, please, PM me a fix

It doesn't cost 19,99 and was made with Love. The second mission alone is one of teh bestest ever and a single area in the sixth mission is scarier than most would-be horror games. ThanX for reading my thorough objective analysis.

PS: You may not like it, but This is what peak 3d modeling looks like

My favorite Julius Caesar Denton quote? "Some globalists are always trying to ice-skate uphill." 😎

Nothing immerses me more in immersive first-person games than having to witness an immersive DOOM 2016 first-person animation each time I pick up an audiolog, sadly they didn't go all the way and implement laborious canned animations for picking up every individual item like in the beloved immersive first-person game THIEF 2014. The maintenance level was the dark spooky area in the OG, so naturally the brilliant minds at [REDACTED] made sure that it was the most well-lit place in the game while the rest of this authentic Prey remake looked like Doom 3. You can't write notes on the map because that's lost technology (just like free-aiming or going prone) and we need to have platform parity for the sake of the five people who backed the kickstarter of a remake of a PC game to play it on their Xbox One back in 2016.

The gräfix auto-detection defaulted to high settings instead of ultra, that's how Powerful this game still is boys and girls.. all that processing power is going towards the greatest enemy AI known to man, objectivly smarter than FEAR's believe it or not (they know how to speak northkorean). If you ever use armor mode you're playing it Wrong bytheway!!

my favorite part was when Psycho listed all the objects he has shoved up his nanosuit

Max Payne, mythical hero of legend, born&raised in Texas (DO NOT FALL FOR THE SWEDISH PROPAGANDA)

It was everything that I, a fan whose first computer game was Duke Nukem II, had eagerly awaited and hoped for ever since first seeing that trailer that came with dad's pirated jewelcase my copy of Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project. The iconic dark maroon tank top, the night time Vegas skyline, Jon St. John's gravely Dirty Harry-esq voice, all of it was On Point, and that's without even getting into the manic straferunning frag em up action you get to partake in within a breadth of expansive and most of all interactive environments. Each and every day I thank George Broussard under my breath for this genuine Magnum Opus that, just like Duke Nukem 3D, did not merely stand the test of time, but rather stands as a testament of better times.

Kill With Skill™ by fragging those charlies with your holosight AR (oorAh) and taking cover to regenerate your health, just like how it was advertised in Duty Calls. Featuring Douche Nocum from the Duke Nukem Forever series.