Get ready to explore the vastness of space by fast traveling to quest objectives in the latest and greatest entry in the Oblivion with guns franchise. Come across all sorts of riveting points of interest upon hundreds of barren empty rocks, like the same prefab space pirate outposts over and over you'll mow through with your #NASApunk P90 while occasionally pausing the game to cram your face full of astronaut food to cure your bullet wounds. Embark on a series of fetchquests an epic adventure through the stars to learn the secrets of the Forerunners and the Ur-Quan upon learning that you are Dovahkiin (Starborn) after touching a Prothean beacon, making you go on to learn the Star Shout Words of Power in order to stop Alduin from destroying the multiverse. Discover wild and inventive alien species like dinosaurs, giant bugs and genestealers TerrorMorphs™, that all have trouble pathfinding around tiny pebbles and are unable to keep up with you whilst you backpedal away and empty their healthbar with a futuristic #NASApunk firearm like a Colt .45 or a VSS Vintorez. Engage in Next-Gen spaceship combat that excels at making you wish you'd instead clicked Knossos.exe and played a game released in 1999.

Bethesda truly have gone BACK TO THEIR ROOTS and made A TRUE RPG again. My jaw dropped when I first opened the level up menu, there's so many exciting +10% damage perks to choose from that you also need to fulfill arbitrary challenges for in order to unlock higher ranks like in Call of Duty multiplayer and other classics of the genre. The build/playstyle variety and roleplaying opportunities are simply put wild, although objectively speaking not as good as Fallout 4, but it's almost on par with a FarCry game. Not to mention, the narrative is genuinely the same caliber as heady sci-fi works like Interstellar, Arrival and Bioshock Infinite, brava Emil Pagliarulo!

8 out of 10, it has a little something for everyone.

"Not Enough Spirit, I'm Low On Spirit" my favorite druid quotes. Blzrzirzrad has truly revolutionized teh action RPG genre once more with their best work yet since Duplo Immoral, having to spend time riding a barely functional horse through an empty openworld is exactly what us Full Spectrum Gamers have all been craving for in our loot em ups. The itemization? Out Of This World, soMany conditional damage multipliers that rly make U think outside of the box ((Moar DAmage against slowed enemies...? HolyShit). Not to mention the incredible Game ChanGIng legendary powers like "this skill now does moar damage" or "this skill is now actually functional". My fayvorite character in the DARK and EPIC narrative was Mareyrelle Sue of course, she was sO cool and and Interesting and SMart, and I must admit I rly geekd out and even clapped when Duriel appeared and said "Looking For a Refund?". All In All I CanNot wait to purchas thePRemium BattlePass each season!!! 9.5/10


Wanted to do more damage in an action game? We had a method for that: It was called "GETTING GOOD"
"Yes please give me -4% Backstab Damage Taken. Please give me -8% Quick Attack Ki Usage"
-Statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged
LOOK at what gamedesigners have been demanding your Respect for all this time, with all the computersoftware WE built for them
"Hello I would like +3.8% Yokai Close Combat Damage"
They Have Played us for ABSOLUTE FOOLS...

u think u Finishd Teh Fight? sorry but An Ancient Evil Awakens (the makers of games such as Too Human, Turok 2008 and Kinect Star Wars, all merged together into a MegaZord called '343'). Cortana looks like she belongs in a porn parody and I think that accurately describes the overall quality of this MTN Dew/Dorito wombocombo advertisement that received 9outta10's from all your favorite gaming media outlets, who were keen enough to inform discerning consumers that this made-with-love sequel has the strongest story yet (love and kind regards from GameSpot). Credit where credit is due, the people behind the story clearly cared enough to read every Bionicle book and the lore wiki in preparation for this, that's why they act like MasterChaff is an actual character with gravitas even though up till now he'd been a camogreen brick who doesn't afraid of anything while outside of the games he was a soda mascot. Look forward to my upcoming review of Halo 5 my felllow gamers who recently purchasd the master chief collection for 9,99 on steem (what a deal!!somany achievements for me to collect)

Get ready to dunk on Duplo 4 and other games with stable framerates or functional multiplayer in global chat alongside your fellow trailblazing trendsetters slavishly following youtube guides coming up with fun novel builds in this hot new "indie" hack & slash ARPG by hardcore gamers for hardcore gamers (hence why the hotbar limits you to 5 skills), that incidentally spent half a decade in early access with barely any substantial updates during the last couple of years leading up to its recent "1.0 release", which definitely now qualifies it as a robust and most of all complete game. That's why the campaign is still unfinished and you're getting to beta test two new subclasses along with other minor little things like an auction house, while yet more overdue fixes/reworks of old busted stuff littering the game are still underway, allegedly. If that wasn't good enough, it was made in Unity (of course) by incompetents to boot to ensure it runs as poorly as one would hope and so that moving your character has you weightlessly slide across the terrain just like in all your favorite survival crafting games or b**mer shooters, on top of the presentation in many ways being worse than even Path of Exile circa a decade ago. But don't you dare bring any of that up regarding a game with a CGI pre-release trailer and premium currency microtransactions or else you'll be getting plenty of downvotes from folks who for instance think boss attacks being inaudible is perfectly acceptable, or the equivalent of a skill like frozen orb looking and sounding many times worse than its originator from 24 years ago is a-okay. Because ackshually As We All Know it's a lower budget title by an incompetent "independent" studio and that's why they couldn't afford to for example implement animations for your character blocking attacks with a shield, unlike say a game called Diablo released back in 1996.

The time travel premise in this Chronicon successor amounts to a convenient excuse to recycle level geometry and an occasional opportunity to kill dinosaurs, with one dungeon featuring everyone's favorite ephemeral gimmick from Titanfall 2/Dishonored Too, which about sums up how inspired the whole thing is outside of the mechanical back-end and the few trademark Good Ideas there. Can I name any of the characters or even quote a single line of dialogue from the stellar storyline comparable in quality to Hellgate London's you ask? Well of course, my favorite was "ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄCK!!!!" - Spymaster Zerrick. All in all, if you're a fan of clipping your sword through enemies and hearing the same anemic splatter SFX over&over while littering the screen with increasingly larger damage numbers, then this should suffice as a good enough opioid to help distract you until Path of Exile 2 is available to play for the modest price of a 250 eurodollar supporter pack complementary with your closed beta key.

PS: the volume slider for the muzak says "absolute bangers for ye gamers", and that's why even at max it's borderline inaudible ingame and the OST itself is comprised of "relaxing 432hz tunes to fall asleep to" or epic™ tracks with women going OOO and AAA, really gets you PumPd up and ready2slay

YePP, the inventors of VideoGames have done it Yet Again!! Ace Combat 6 is mostcertainly The best game of the past eight months, move Aside pizzaTower. My Build of choice? Well I of course colored my gundam black&orange (cheeseD every boss with that setup believ it or not). And yes, the O-S-T is full of "absolute bangers that slap" As The Kids Say, when this fucking incredible track started blaring during that one arena fight (you know the one) I was like OYEaa we're GaminG now. OVerall this sequel to Sekiro is everything I couldve hoped for and more, thankyou Hideki Kamiya!!!


This review contains spoilers

I admit it, I leapt up from my razor gaming chair and shouted BRAVO COLANTONIO at the top of my lungs when the entire thing turned out to be an immersive Looking Glass simulation. My favorite part of this particular Half-Life game, other than the part where you have to collect audio logs about inane lesbian drama obviously, is putting all my initial points into super strength and speed to trivialize the entire game within the first hour. All in all though I'm going to have to give this rorschach test / trolley dilemma a failing grade, because there's an obvious morally correct answer as to how to go about treating NPCs willingly working for a megacorp that turns people into soylent purple.

Hello We made the alleged worst part of the game as overwrought as possible and turned parts of it into James Cameron's Avatar (complete with epic ethereal female vocal soundtrack, just like you fondly remember), while also keeping everyone's favorite chapter Residue Processing completely intact. That'll be 19,99 macaronis + tip please, well worth teh price because otherwise you cant install that steam workshop mod that restores On A Rail, now can you...?

almost as authentic and retrõ and FunnY as Kung Fury, definitely captures the super turbo brutal megakill buttmetal ironic&insincere "aesthetic" that Doom and its descendants have been denigrated into within the public hivemind during the past decade+. prepare2frag like no tomorrow in this aimtrainer almost as good as Titanfall 2 (but not quite....) that's so freakin insane&intense that you and your fellow kids might even be up to the task of beating the first half of Quake 3's bot match campaign on nightmare afterwards (dont be afraid to ask for help from daddy tho!...). your guns in this are literal pewpew blasters that are about as limp as the "absolute banger metal that simply slaps" OST and the dicks of the geriatrics in charge of Apogee these days, nuff said.

gAmers AKA posers will never admit to it to maintain their popular consensus approved online gaymer cred but it is indeed a much more fun game than Doom 1, especially in this current day&age. you bOys have fun with E3M7 and the like, im gonna be over here flying and HAVIN A HOOT!!

my favorite part was when Psycho listed all the objects he has shoved up his nanosuit


it's true, when folX say that they punish you for trying to have fun in this they aren't kidding at all, they're underplaying it even. I tried to play this Mirror's Edge game exactly how you're clearly supposed to, then Raphael Colantonio suddenly barged into my home, and proceeded to wag a finger at me for being such a naughty boy!!! I couldn't help myself, I just broke down and started crying, begging him to not add more guards to the following levels...

This toy commercial showing off nothing new nor interesting really makes you feel like a spess mehreen because the player character often has a will of their own (their loyalty is to the EmpraH after all, not the player trying to melee what's infront of them rather than whatever this ultramarineblue AngLe of Deff decides to arbitrarily lunge towards on a whim). Vindicare Assassin running on teh source engine released the same year was a much much much better WarHam game, I think all my fellow fans of overpriced miniature armymen/monsters oft painted in bright primary colors, i.e. vile fascist propaganda, will agree.

It doesn't cost 19,99 and was made with Love. The second mission alone is one of teh bestest ever and a single area in the sixth mission is scarier than most would-be horror games. ThanX for reading my thorough objective analysis.

PS: You may not like it, but This is what peak 3d modeling looks like