ConfessionS my fellow tumblr users!! took briefbreak from Doing ThangZ to play season appropriate "SunnyGoodGame" (not mario sunshine im afraid dAhling, already got enough cleaning and coincollection busywork to do in life). Is as good as I rememberD, even with fixes veers towards being as "polished&entertaining" as 'Julma Jengi' (turns out I prefer Jumanji). . where are those cultured tacticool shooter connoisseurs who were saying this GPU benchmarker was better than certain stupidbad FramesPerSecond techdemos from the same timeperiod Now, I wonder, hawaii maybeperhaps??? a far cry from where i am now, still to this day spending SeriousBusiness TarzanGorillaWarfare leisuretime on teh interwebz, LotsOfLaughter but zero golden validation tickets or sporefansitekarmapoints to my name (PLZ DONT RATE MY POST 'DUMB', BANANA ENTHUSIASTS AND FACEPUNCHFORUM MODERATORS , AM UTTERLYPOSITIFIC AND AGREEABLE NOT BLOCKED AND REPORTED, WILL STAYQUIET WONT SPEAK OF INTOLERABLY ILL EVENTS IN STRANGLETHORN VALE, DONT HOSE ME AGAIN...) Yep,I neverforget.... War Is Hell. 😿
Featuring Havoc and the tiberium mutants/cyborgs from the Command & Conquer series.

It was everything that I, a fan whose first computer game was Duke Nukem II, had eagerly awaited and hoped for ever since first seeing that trailer that came with dad's pirated jewelcase my copy of Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project. The iconic dark maroon tank top, the night time Vegas skyline, Jon St. John's gravely Dirty Harry-esq voice, all of it was On Point, and that's without even getting into the manic straferunning frag em up action you get to partake in within a breadth of expansive and most of all interactive environments. Each and every day I thank George Broussard under my breath for this genuine Magnum Opus that, just like Duke Nukem 3D, did not merely stand the test of time, but rather stands as a testament of better times.

Will the seminal badabingbadaboom subgenre usurp the bingbingwahoo dominated market? Time Will Tell... And yes, When it comes to fantasy races I'd rank italian-americans up there in the higher eschelons alongside the likes of dwarfS, which is correct grammar by the way Tolkien. Anyway, I had to drop Sopranos after seeing that scene where Tony plays Mario Kart 64 (Way Too Meta For Me...)

Whats you'RE favorit funnymeme my fellow Smod Tactical fans? mine is saying that a corridor shooter has gud enemy AI because the lemmings you're mowing down sometimes yell IM GONNA FLANK (very intelligent) or call out that you're standing next to a vending machine, always puts me into a fit of giggles!!

BFE Enhanced on coin-op serious difficulty is better than your favorite game

That'sRight my fellow erudite gaymers born after 2001, I'm a big fan of dual akimbo GunZ + trenchcoats, toilet humor, Build Engine games (Shadow Warrior is the best and funniest one, as we all know) and of courS music that ur mum hates.

"JIDABADAWANANEDABOBO." "MUCHA SHAKA PAKA." "ACHUTAA." My favorite lines from this certified banger classic by Bioware that simply slaps. Will you choose to be bluegoodboy or redbadguy in this roleplaying epic laden with memorable moments like turret sequences, underwater walking sections and that one tower of hanoi puzzle? A moral conundrum for the ages that truly captures the essence of George Lucas's American Graffiti, though the writing ultimately clearly falls short when compared with Attack of the Clones, but nevermind that. Jolee Bimbo is definitely my favorite character in this cuz he's so funny&enlightened and has amazing lines like "oh boy, here I go waxing philosophical again..." or "blaablaablaa etcetera etcetera etcetra" (which confirms latin is canon in the THX-1138 Expanded Universe). Overall, I can't recommend it at all because Juhani is the ugliest "cat" woman ever featured in a computer game, even if she weren't ghey the target audience (adolescent BoYs, like Me) would never wanna charge up her loading ramp. End of line.
Be excellent to each other.

nominally more involved in terms of moment-to-moment decisionmaking and "mechanical finesse" than Duplo 4 in its current exultant state (WE DID IT REDDIT! !!). I recommend folX into this kind of "escapist entertainment experience" to look into this obscure place called the Las Vegas Strip.

DoNot play Frank Fragem 3D it promotes the objectification of Men and the fémale gaze.! (Dont believ me..?)

Ps: for me, it's c&c_city

Me and my six mates have been through a lot

Yes, I proudly belong to the Fat Earth Society. I'm a BBW (Big Beautiful World) proponent after all.

"Will you play a BAD unfinished RTS game or be a GOOD daddy and grow a bonsai garden while you're at it?" -PetterMolydeux quote in the readme, where he brags about how much takeout he & Ronald Miller ate inbetween lying in press interviews or over @ yes indeed this is my favorite "EA" (electronic arts?) title, available for a low low price blieve it or not kickstarter backers of Godus. one would presume that these HandOfGod spanking-the-monkey games prominently featuring "xboxhueg humanoid animals" who tend to poop a lot (UhOh!!!) would have a bigger following&community and one as Lovely&Vibrant as your average prestigious nintendo franchise, but alas.....instead it's just a modest amount of PeeCee gamers hailing mainly from yurop-land as far as the All-Seeing Eye can see, and largely ""wh0les0me"" (i cannot explain to u where MySon comw from yet, u need to be older, atleast 6yrs,twas not "an immaculate divine event" many Solari crystals were spent in order to accomplish and do the deed...)

Ps:where is the skirmish&multiplayer patch...? is it behindthis demondoor in Fable:theLostChapters, PETER????
pps: this is a twostar game at best but im not rating it that, I make Da Rules here, it's not midnight it's 7am goback2work "wagie" I moved theSun with mah hand (can You do that in your favorite game for the nintendo DualScreen...?)

What's up my fellow SMT fans

That'sRight, I pick ConfirmedBachelor to do +10% moar damagE against my fellow man, does that You take a sip from your trusty Vault 13 canteen... frighten you?? AreYou minmaxphobic or something???? BetchA think Jury Rigging is a good perk too and pick Educated over Comprehension LMAO, Get Real