At Long Last, Divinity Original Sin 3: Baldo's Gate has graced us and saved teh RPG genre and gameing industry in turn. Given that this masterwork spent three years in early access it is about as polished as one would expect, especially towards the end. When I benched Shädowheart the hedgehog out of the party early on and magically ended up with her macguffin artifact she'd been secretive and possessive of in my inventory so that the open-ended narrative where your choices matter™ would still play out as intended I knew I was playing a proper successor to Dragon Age Origins, but what really convinced me were all the dialogue options tagged as [Halfling] validating me for picking the best race, which made no actual difference but nevermind that (Arcanum is small time compared to this!!!). The Combat? incredible, I had no clue about 5E DND rules so finding out about concentration for instance blew me away, not being able to cast both cloudkill and haste truly made my wizard feel powerful and added so much more depth, how could Knights of the Chalice even hope to compare...? However there's no ♀tabaxi romance option (most important aspect of arpeegees as we all know) so the game fkin suxx0rz. End of line.

You can tell it's a proper Path of Exile fangame because they prioritized adding microtransactions over finishing the game

folX will try to tell you that this here immersive simulation of brown&bloom grafix and whackamole cover shootign didnt directly inspire Human Revolution, but the meager instant kill falldamage if you opt to "jump" down a slight drop instead of wasting time with a tiny ladder begs to disagree. sadly there's no icarus landing aug anywhere to be found, only a bunch of airsoft toys that you dont get reprimanded for gunning down armed&violent "terrorizer" PerPs with, unlike some other -actionpacked trip to AmericaCity- 7th gen game also made by french-canadians in Montréal.

Ps: i hadnt playd this in 17 years so imagine my shock when it turns out the first bit takes place in mexico instead of that other sandycountry like i had FALSELY rembered
PPs: sorry, i seem to have accidentally written 'an inflammatory&opinionated review' , i will try to avoid that from now on ...sosorry everyone! i apologize to all immersive sim fans

alphafoxtrot 6 has arrived at teh LZ,we are Charlie Brown, hustling&shotgunning towards مدينة الرمال كركند
OORaH, tango down.....but the leader enemy boss of the GLA still lives...OHNo!!! He activated the nuclear missile bomb!!!!!!!!
downloadand play dutycalls starring Kevin McKidd from Dog Soldiers as "Soap" 4free today

ps:the spectre of pnkbstra.exe haunts my machine to this day, because of all those S&Ds I won with my MP5&C4....

it's True, All of it, this beloved Games For Windows Live title invented dark fantasy settings, checkpoints, dodging, stamina management, health potion drinking tied to an animation, needing to get your wonga back after you die, so many things in all your favorite PeeCee and PS2 games, but even now we have yet to re-invent hit feedback (we lost that technology two decades ago along with SWAT 3's AI etc. when the Library of Alexandria was tragically burnt down....). sadly tho this Prepare2Iframe title is a bit too hardcoar and trial&error for my tastes, hence why I prefer casual 'bingbingwahoo' games like Captain Claw and Maximo.

You can tell that this Thief total conversion mod is a proper immersive simulation because your fellows in the co-op multiplayer that everyone but me ignores appear as if they're a head taller than you (#relatable for some I imagine), not to mention how you're physically unable to use an assault rifle if your GunZ skill rank isn't maxed and can even research the spleens of reskinned hammerites to make your monkey wrench do 24.9% more damage to them. Nothing yells VerisimilitudE more than superfluous tabletop RPG abstractions that Underworld was well on its way to file off and were completely gone in the game that this is titularly but ultimately only incidentally the sequel to, I think my fellow wikipedia article writers and the "immersive sim intelligentzia" of bäcklöggd who've given money to NoseDive Studios will agree. SHowDaN is at the top of everyone's favorite bestest vidogam villain lists, which makes perfect sense considering that most folX never even played "System Shock One" and in this game with actual villainS she talks and acts like an impetulant jobber while emailing you skillpoints. In conclusion, any and all quote unquote gamers who suggest to turn off the muzak should be fined&jailed!!!

Nothing immerses me more in immersive first-person games than having to witness an immersive DOOM 2016 first-person animation each time I pick up an audiolog, sadly they didn't go all the way and implement laborious canned animations for picking up every individual item like in the beloved immersive first-person game THIEF 2014. The maintenance level was the dark spooky area in the OG, so naturally the brilliant minds at [REDACTED] made sure that it was the most well-lit place in the game while the rest of this authentic Prey remake looked like Doom 3. You can't write notes on the map because that's lost technology (just like free-aiming or going prone) and we need to have platform parity for the sake of the five people who backed the kickstarter of a remake of a PC game to play it on their Xbox One back in 2016.

comes packaged with a free vasectomy and a complementary funko-pop of your favorite Devolver Digital Cinematic Universe character

i installed this hotnew 60 fps patch for PlugY but for some reason there was way less treasured BootY for me to admire&grab no matter how much i edited the droprates so i wouldnot recommend it..!

greatst Character InAction Game ever made...are You a bad enough dude to help solve Gene's predicament??? tensions abounds (AND KEEPS ON RISINGS!!! DO NOT LOOK AT THE PORNOS...AVERT THOU GAZE...), distractory&predatory gambling games, demons needing to be Smitten, WILL YOU rise up to the challenge and VOLUNTARILY DO THE NEEDFUL???????? no need to worry, difficulty is dynamic, will find Your Match!

ps:almost was cryingtears when Elvis was kill...
pps: wonder why he is called ジーン...........rly makes me think (FunnyMeme)

it is indeed better than Your favorite third person fantasy action adventure released on the nintendosixtyfour, I am of course referring to Dinosaur Planet, which naturally has as many reviews here as this does. admittedly this doesnt have a soundtrack by David Wise so can it really compete...? but It is objectively better than Jedi Outcast/Academy cuz u can GIB (pls gib ur thanX quake2 engine,). it's Unavailable on all your favorite DRM platforms, And That's A Good Thing!

it's True...a friend of mine had an "xboxHUEG", I could scarcely believe my eyes when I saw the thing, let alone the fact that it along with its DuKe controllers somehow fit inside his room (playing dead or alive 3 with taht thing is still to this day one of the most herculean tasks ive ever pulled off!!)

Ps:yes the lore in this sci-fi successor to bungee's Myth series is indeed VeryDeep and meta just like marathon, thats why mr Guilty Spark is constantly saying Im A Genius!! ^_^ while giggling maniacally during theLibrary (he is the leveldesigner...)

I belong inside a foXhole, Im a jarhead at heart and just looove to keep bayud company (THIS IS ALPHA FOXTROT 6, Locked&Loaded and bearing em Magnums, got mah target in mah SightS, Im comming in straight thru thewall boyS!!!). and I admit it...I was behind that defibrillator massacre that hit the headlines back then. All em victims were recons so technically speaking twasnt a warcrime if you ask me!

PS: when I enabled War Tapes audio it felt like I was rly there at the frontlines, airsofting with theboys...
PPS: sry for using OldMaterial not coming up with something more original, i promise to do better ! will get my act together, my therapist told me to play RainbowSix Vegas2

Why yes, it has better AI than ur mum