The canonical Nerevarine? A khajiit hand-to-hand master perpetually hopped up on skooma, what else. His name? Adoring Miaow Smoodger, which incidentally is an anagram of Morrowind is a good game.

if Dark Souls invented video games then what did this invent...?

Steroid is my spirit animal

Why yes, it has better AI than ur mum

Given that it's an ancient cartoony turn-based DOS game where you frag goofy ETs, it's naturally more tense and startling than the average alleged horror title

I admit it, the upgraded shotgun SFX makes me cum violently

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Rome wasn't built in a day because they did it with easily flammable plywood

My favorite part about this buddhist suffering simulator where you play as a helpless prey animal? Eliminating the indigenous populace by way of guerilla warfare with high explosives of course.

Planet is my biatch, I bore holes in her all the time

Al Nadda is better than Baba Yetu