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reading this activated my hinamizawa syndrome and bumped me up to L5…it’s over for me….THERE ARE MAGGOTS IN MY SKIIINN

Not really a fan of this game. The story is pretty paper thin and the gameplay, while fun at first, doesn’t evolve beyond dodging and shooting enemies. The fighting environments are particularly annoying with a number of them too narrow or small to have the necessary movement needed to dodge attacks. The enemy designs are killer, but they don’t carry the game.

just an incredibly charming and simple little game. i love getting all those adorable costumes 😊

Because the normal Hirukowashi-hen doesn’t have a page here, this review will have my thoughts on both.

Frankly…this story…is very degenerate. Despite that, I didn’t really find it painful to read. It was so ridiculous and idiotic, I just didn’t care and went along with the ride. And I think once you do that the sheer insanity of this side story becomes a little funny, which is the point. Towards the end the writer, whoever wrote this, tries to justify it all by making it about how good partners in relationships at least try to get themselves invested into what their partner likes but like…it’s so weak and meaningless it really doesn’t matter.

The alternative version is slightly better, Irie being a blatant pedophile would normally be extremely cringeworthy, but the lunacy of the events made it a bit funnier. Satoko and Shion also have more dialogue in this version as well, which makes it instantly better. Sadly, this version cuts out Hanyuu entirely but like…the less young looking characters around Irie, the better.

could not understand how to play the game at all, but the imagery is great and incorporates Sato’s art well

First played this game when I was like 7 and even as a dumbass elementary school student I knew it was ass. Going back to it now it hasn’t changed a bit.

8Bit Music Power is a decent track list but it’s mostly a novelty as something released on the famicom years since it’s discontinuation to me.

it’s not very good, per say…but it’s also incredibly ridiculous and stupid and kind of funny in its extreme edge and profanity. someone should add the rest of the franchise to backloggd.

Pac Attack but Katamari, truly the peak of the DS system.

One of the true misunderstood and underrated games of the NES library…the journey of Mega Man as he starts out as a simple boy, nothing more than a cleaning robot, to a warrior combating his corrupted brothers brings one to tears. I promise those tears are not from frustration of the incredibly bullshit platforming, enemies that either do a third of your health and/or cause you to fall into pits that instakill, or the almost cancerous bosses.

Very ok rhythm game. Full extra star for being developed by Grasshopper.

Despite this game being arguably one of the most important ever made from a Western market perspective, I had never bothered to actually play through the game in its entirety until very recently. I always saw it as a neat iconic relic from the past and only ever played the first few levels. But, my interest in the early games of the Mario franchise did spark up a bit recently, which led to me playing through this fully.

The actual game is…ok! It’s the most fundamental Mario title, but also potentially the most basic. There’s nothing really super flawed or bad about this game; I think it’s actually probably as perfect as it could’ve been. It’s just nothing that crazy to begin with. And that’s fine for the first entry, but it makes this game all the worse in retrospect compared to its peers.

Regardless, the game is still enjoyable. If you have the will to actually try it, you’ll probably enjoy some kind of fun from its simplicity. You just need to actually get past the first few worlds for the game's addictive nature to set in.

Mediocre to downright awful in almost every way. The music and aesthetic is good, working together nicely to create a honestly awesome mid-2000s feel. Other than that, there really isn’t anything good here. The story is neither thematically nor narratively good, with incredible pacing issues. It feels like the actual story of the game is only 10 or so hours long, but is stretched far more than it needs to be so players can experience the repetitive and bare bones daily life over the course of a in-game year. The decision to have most major story events on full moons is thematically nice, but the weeks in between full moons are hollow and empty with little to do. The social links were alright, but even the best ones didn’t leave much of an impression on me. And finally, Tartarus is incredibly boring to play through completely, with the floors being essentially same the whole way throughout, and the combat is painfully dull and lacking in mechanics. Have not played The Answer but probably never will since I hear it’s somehow even worse than this game.

haven’t even played the game at all (at time of writing) but that description alone fucks and has more soul than any game in the last decade of AAA gaming