
Eh it's an ok twin stick shooter with a nice Egyptian setting. Feels more like a proof of concept


The unique mechanic of attacking to the rhythm reminds me of Crypt of the Necrodancer which I absolutely love. Also the dialogue, characters, levels and references were very cute and charming> A surprisingly fun little game

Funny, Mega Man, and a ridiculous improvement over the silly first game. What more could you ask for?

It was ok. I enjoyed it enough. It's basically a hub world that houses some mini games, which while pretty basic we're mostly neat. The game looks good for a licensed ps1 and it's neat being able to walk around dexter's house and lab. The constant long loading times were a drag though. Pretty short but nothing all that

Ok so yeah I finally beat this after leaving it dormant 9 years since near launch. It's in a gray area for me. I can see why it's good/popular but didn't entirely click with me:

-rendered style
-sound design

Not so good:
-annoying screams
-gameplay loop was meh

Basically I love the presentation, style and concept of the game, but the gameplay itself just didn't do much for me. Sure it can have me on edge but I wasn't entirely having much fun. Maybe later entries will change my mind

The visuals and style are pretty unique. The soundtrack almost seems unfitting with how good some of those tracks are. The game is just too short cause I felt like it could've played around more with some of the neat mechanics and puzzles you had to deal with. I'm shocked this was a 2002 release for the PS1. A neat obscure game I recommend

Really fun tactical fps game. You go through three lengthy mission in a squad of 4 specially trained clone troopers known as Commandos. They each have a charming personality that bounce off each other so well, so it made the dialogue in the game one of the best enjoyments. They react to almost anything you or any of them do whether it's good or a mistake. Gameplay is a bit slow and it can be a it brutal at times imo but I still had fun. Using the squad to carry out tasks and strategies was really enjoyable. Story was interesting too. But man the switch port is riddled with way too many issues. Crashes, missing textures, models going nuts, sounds screeching and occasional frame drops. That last section with the Spider Droids one after another was insane. Wish the bigger enemies werent such bullet sponges. Also the squad AI can be a bit clunky at times too which was cumbersome. Would've given it a half star higher if these issues weren't present. Great Star Wars game

I know there's some that find the game meh but idk I'm a sucker for early Disney platformers and this one is pretty charming, like its related counterpart Castle of Illusion. It's short too so it doesn't overstay its welcome. I'd say the levels, music and bosses are a bit more bland compared to the ones in Castle of Illusion but the items and mechanics are far better in this game. Also it has a bit of a story which is nice. Definitely worth a try if you love platformers. Plus I love Donald Duck a ton so I'm biased

My only gripes with the game are the camera angles, mission based structure and the sometimes annoying placements of items and secret missions. Besides that it's pretty solid. The combat, weapons and mechanics are really fun. The game is a bit awkward with some of the cutscenes but in a charming way and I loved it. I really enjoyed this game and can't wait to tackle the rest. Love Dante.

It's a bad bowling game. A meh game boy game.

This is for the demo on steam. I loved it lol. Cant wait for the full thing

It's both similar and different to the Genesis version. Both follow the same plot and overall theming of the levels, but the mechanics, controls, bosses and level designs greatly differ. I would say that the music and sound design in the Master System version was a bit hit or miss. Makes sense since the Genesis one just has better sound and ost. The slippery controls were just as irksome as the slow and floaty controls of the Genesis if not more so at times, so sadly no improvement there. Having to use objects to throw around to use as a weapon, platform or for a puzzle was more fun than simply platforming like in the genesis. The bosses also feel well done but their ai were all over the place, so the Genesis bosses were a bit more balanced but less unique. The level designs were unique and great between each version but if I had to choose I very slightly preferred the levels in the Master System one. The Genesis levels feel more vibrant and pretty with many details and great design, but the Master System ones felt more explorative and expanded upon. Finally, the final boss was a bit different on both but I also liked the Master System's variant instead.

Sorry for the constant comparing, but I had just played this after beating the Genesis one so I couldn't help myself. Overall, both are amazing versions of the games, each with their small issues, but I feel like the Master System version slightly takes the cake on the one I liked the most.

Never played this game growing up. Always see either held to high regards, especially since it's one of the earliest Genesis games. And man it certainly delivered. The level design, environments, music and graphics all blend together so well in true Disney gaming fashion. Disney platformers almost never disappoint and I understand the hype of this game now. The control of Mickey is where my issue lies. He's just a tad too slow and the floaty jumps really took some getting used to. Made some of the platforming a bit of a pain but the game was still really endearing and fun. It's both challenging and forgiving so it's a nice balance. Really loved this game. Gonna try the Master System version now and see if that will be just as good or better. Highly recommend

It's snake but with some extra options to give each run a fun spin.

This is something from another dimension. It didn't feel real and I absolutely loved it lmao