Yet another amazing Kirby game. Kirby never misses. But as a person that adores sweets this made me crave some way too much it's a pain lol. Really fun time with a delicious aesthetic. Movement felt a bit off though

This is a torture device Capcom made to bore me to death. Such an underwhelming sequel to a game I loved dearly. Hope the third game can really deliver. Everything was so painfully dull and braindead. Some good things are sprinkled here and there but not enough to stop it from being a boring game. Lucia is cool though I love her

As a milker myself this is a certified classic

I don't think I can put into words how it felt to play this game. All I can say is that it was a one of a kind surreal experience. It's unlike anything I've ever played. A fascinating piece of art that I am baffled too me this long to finally get through. Probably my favorite rpg maker game

Some of the best dungeons, puzzles, music, bosses, characters and stories in the series

-Eldin Volcano/Skyloft Regions

-exploration gimped by linearity
-dowsing sucks. Almost pointless

Slightly felt the hand holding of the game but it wasn't overbearing. Fi took too long to become good. The lighting and fire dragons didn't get much time

Demise was interesting and badass. Loved the fight but wanted more. Hylean Shield being optional is bizarre. Beautiful ending

It was so close to a masterpiece for me 9.5/10. But I'm one of the ones that now love this polarizing game in the series

Wanted to try From Software's first title and was expecting a pretty clunky bad game from what I've seen but honestly... I was weirdly charmed by it. It has its issues, NUMEROUS issues, but it does give you a somewhat enjoyable and short dungeon crawling experience. Not bad by any means but it still was a bit of a slog

That first playthrough was one of the most nerve-wracking experiences I ever felt. This is an ingenious take on Russian roulette. It's pretty short but it felt like forever with how tense I felt each round. The items are fun and add a bit of strategy to the game. Also after beating it you unlock an endless mode which just adds to the replayability plus they plan on adding pvp. Gave this game a try on a whim and was floored by it. Also the aesthetic and style is very good and off-putting

This is one of the first games ever to use parallax scrolling which is so cool (the other being Moon Patrol)! Despite this, the game is rather simple when you pick it apart. You're an explorer that is out to find your maiden that got kidnapped by cannibals. Like any usual arcade game, you have a short set of 4 levels with quick thinking actions to get to the end of each level. First level you swing on vines, second swim through a river full of crocodiles, third going up a hill as you jump over large boulders and finally avoid the cannibals as you reach for your maiden that is hanging from a boiling pot.

It's pretty much the usual settings and such you'd see from this era of "wild jungle" media but the gameplay is quick and snappy. The four levels provide a bit of level variety and the music is fun. The visuals aren't anything amazing but it is colorful at least. This game is not mind blowing by any means of course but it is cool to see the origins of a programming technique that revolutionized gaming. Good arcade game I liked it enough.

It's basically the first game but with very slightly better levels and improvements. Both are short but a chill and fun time

I played the War1gus mod of it and not the vanilla version. Usually not an RTS kind of guy as the number of them I've played I can count on my hands, but I wanted to give the genre a true chance and decided to play the game that revolutionized the genre back in the 90s.

It's a decent start to this iconic franchise. I was surprised that I was enjoying myself somewhat with it. Having both a human and orc campaign is pretty neat, especially cause each one has different play styles and stories. The story is nothing mind-blowing though, just enough to establish the setting and levels. Music was a bit weak but it fit the tone of the game too. I wouldn't say it's a good game but it's not bad either, just decent. Hopefully the 2nd game will bring this to new heights for me. 6/10


Amazing proof of concept that reminded me of why I adore 3d platformers

It took me four times to finally realize just how wonderful this game truly is. The first three times I beat it was on the switch port and I did think it was amazing but not masterful but I finally gave the wii u version a try and reeeeally took my time with it. And yeah it's peak like the rest but still my least favorite. Challenge modes were where the main fun and challenge for me was more than the main story itself

Absolutely godawful. Was torture to play through but i somehow managed. But the cg animations of win and lose save it from a half star

First game better and that's not saying much. When I saw that it had a more grounded approach to the level design and structure I felt like it would be an improvement over the ok arcade game that came before, but it was even more convoluted. Ending was nice at least

Unfinished, abandoned, poor attempt of a mega man runner game. Honestly haven't felt so offended by a game than by this one. Played it on steam and have no idea how it is on android but I have no desire to find out. Also the menus and controls are convoluted to hell. Definitely one of the worst games I've ever played