One of the greatest 2d platformers and indie games of all time to this day. Its tight and difficult gameplay is so addictive. Finding the way to beat the challenging levels over constant deaths never felt so satisfying. The soundtrack also keeps me pretty hype. The game is uber charming and I love the artstyle and aesthetic. The way each and every level is so intricately designed still amazes me to this day. Also the replay that shows you all your runs of the level makes me feel more satisfied that I finally beat the level. The satisfaction I get from playing this game is almost second to none. This is probably my favorite between this and Isaac but both are masterpieces in their own ways. I'll say I still probably slightly prefer Mario 3 but this comes close to best platformers ever.

It's a nice follow up to the og GB one. The music is a bit of a miss (the Type C music is great though) but the touch of color, various modes, save files and even a vs mode more than make up for it. Well it's Tetris and you cant really improve much more on perfection when it comes to gameplay

I had never played the first one, I got on the second game. Then third since day 1. And I absolutely adore those. Probably some of my favorite shooters of all time. Finally giving this game a try it still is Splatoon and I love it. But it is missing plenty of features, modes and such that later instalments have. My favorite mode is Salmon Run so that definitely affected my thoughts of this game. Still, there are plenty of stages, weapons, specials, modes and such, exclusive to the first game and that makes it unique and cool to this day. The best way I can describe this game is a unique but unpolished project. An amazing shooter that makes owning my Wii U all the more enjoyable.

Feels like a budget combination of Contra and Metal Slug. Lots of hectic side scrolling shooting action but the level transitions and final level felt a bit awkward

I feel like the asbsolute corny charm this game radiates from it's writing and characters almost gets completely lost in the shallow and clunky gameplay and levels. It's a shame cause I really wanted to like this game. It is pretty funny and the secrets are also nice at least.

I feel so empty yet so full. The Klaus story has finally come to a close after 13 years. My journey started all the way back in 2016 with the 1st and 7 years later here I am at the end. This was the perfect send-off. It's over. I can't believe it's over...

Everything I've felt during my journey of this series has become so dear to me. Each and every one of the games, DLC and story means so much to me beyond words. What I experienced in this final act is beyond anything I can say. Only a few things have ever reached this (ex: Pikmin)

This DLC truly embodied everything that had happened and gave us Xenoblade fans that went through all the stories, developments and twists to give us the vindication like I've never felt before. The pay off is unimaginably satisfying. I think this might be my new favorite series

For the longest time I thought nothing for eternity would ever surpass Pikmin for me. It was my true gateway to video games, which made me fall in love with the medium. But Xenoblade... It's like I've been put back in that position again all anew as a little kid. Wow. Just wow...

I think before I truly decide this I want to play through both Pikmin 4 later this year and Xenoblade Chronicles X. THEN I will make the final judgement call. It feels weird that after 2 decades I'm finally in a position where I'm debating to change my favorite video game series

Those credits... Those credits broke me in every single way. I'm just there watching them roll. Water in my eyes overwhelming me as I say "it's over..." Over and over again. I'll remember this for the rest of my life. This series has impacted me more than I could've ever imagined

Overall, yes the DLC is fantastic and every bit worth the wait. I forgot to mention that I also loved all the qol features and additions. It felt like an even better refinement of the base third game's systems and mechanics. I just wish it had been a bit longer but I'll always cherish what I got

This sequel reinvented the wheel by having gravity affect the blocks you tug at now. Each individual segment is its own entity to mess in all four directions. This added a surprisingly big level of new puzzle designs and difficulty. Think it was a bit harder than Pushmo tbh. Also the gizmos and gimmicks introduced were fun to mess with too. This series continues to prove why it's my favorite puzzle series out there. The relaxing music and cute squishy characters also help elevate my enjoyment. Plus the level editor is my favorite part like the last game. I got lost for so many HOURS on this. Just as much of a joy to play as Pushmo.

Honestly has to be one of the best licensed games I've ever played. I love Looney Tunes and I loved it even more that Ralph actually got the spotlight this time around. The concept of the gameshow is charming. The characters and the dialogue were funny and enjoyable. The animations are really well made. For a PS1 title this looked incredible, there's tons of details and vibrant colors all over the really well designed levels and environments.

Basically you have to get a sheep to the goal in each level. The levels each have different mechanics introduced through gadgets you mail in from ACME. You use your mind to solve the puzzles presented to you using said gadgets and the natural items given to you. I loved the items and they were fun to use and find out how to use them. The way this game crafted the puzzles was incredible and the game progressively got harder and more intricate with the puzzles. Sam the Dog is also an obstacle, which is where most of the stealth aspect of the game comes in.

Also the soundtrack is stellar. Yes I got stuck on several of the levels for quite some time as it really requires some deep thought. I never got frustrated thought and I think the relaxing chill ost really helped with that. The composers killed it

This licensed puzzle platformer stealth game utterly blew me away. If someone were to ask me what are some of my favorite PS1 games I'd say this without hesitation. One of my favorite puzzle games in general as well. I had a blast playing this masterpiece of a gem. I know I'm probably really over selling this game but I'm sorry but I just had too much fun with it. I wish they could've made more like it, it was so unique.

This was a total surprise. April Fool's joke gone right. I absolutely adored every moment of this. As someone that isn't even that into VNs (one of my least favorite genres in fact), I was completely blown away. Short, fun and different concepts for Sonic, beautiful art and banger OST. Also the THINK sections were awesome too. Plus it's FREE. Might be goty contender

This is a fantastic remake of the first game in the series. Sure the story is a bit simple, but the gameplay and mechanics more than make up for it. I had a blast playing through each of the maps and I still did like the characters. Also all the quality of life content and perks it brought, like the class change system, forging and the weapon triangle, makes this miles better than the original. I love Marth and I enjoyed his quest to vanquish the shadow dragon. The graphical overhaul is a bit of a hit and miss in some spots though. Also wished it had explored the lore of the Fire Emblem a bit more. People tend to bash this game a ton but I think it's a great looking and jrpg playing experience. It's quick to the point with it's gameplay and I love that.

This game was a decade in the making. The myth that us Pikmin fans never thought would be possible to ever see the light of day. But here it finally is. It's a thing that actually has released. After 55 hours to 100% every little thing this game had to offer, I am completely in awe at how peak this game is. It was worth the wait. It is literally a love letter to the series by taking so many elements from the games (yes even hey pikmin) and fused them together to create one of the most fun experiences I've ever had. And that's not to say also all the new stuff introduced ontop of all of that. It's just so much more to take in than any of the previous games combined. As someone that has pikmin as my favorite series ever and Pikmin 2 as my favorite of the bunch, I feel as if this game was made just for me.

Sure I have very small gripes here and there but they are nothing compared to the mountain of content this game has to offer you. I'm having a hard time deciding if it's now my new favorite game of all time but it's definitely a candidate now. I'm so happy to have finally played Pikmin 4 and hope that it won't take another decade for 5 lol

Really great game. I feel like it's a bit of an improvement over Zelda 1 in terms of gameplay and mechanics. The power ups and items are fun to use and discover. The castle levels are fun to navigate and I adore the soundtrack. Game still does lack in level variety (until the last level) and the game can be pretty cheap with enemy placement and some of the enemy patterns. Final boss oddly felt too easy in comparison to the fourth boss, which was really irritating. Some of the items feel a bit useless too (like the invincibility helmet). The exploration also lacked a bit which I'll admit Zelda 1 did a bit better, due to its "open-world" layout. This game was more straightforward with a few dead end paths. I feel like if a new game were ever made they should definitely expand upon the level design and exploration as it would do it wonders. Zelda 2 still excels in this regard. The saving feature and not having to start over are also a godsends lol. This was my first Famicom Disk System game that actually really wow'ed me. Really cool and novel game and a great part of Nintendo's history. 8.5/10

I love the fusion of this game between tempest and galaga. It's basically like the perfect combination. It's pretty fun to play and the premise is interesting. For a title back in 1983 this really stands out among other arcade titles at the time. The music it used also has such a fun twist to it. Konami at their best back then. But MAN it is quite hard

(Switch) I mean it's Tetris. You literally just cant go wrong with Tetris. No matter what version of the game you play it's still Tetris. The extra content added to later iterations have always just been nice bonuses, never a necessity. Even without all that this game at its core is still the perfect video game IMO, yes even this Game Boy version. I love Tetris and it was fun giving this early iteration a go again

It surpassed Wario Land. Worth all those years of waiting