hall of shame 2021

hold me accountable for starting games on impulse and then not finishing them...

after the end of the first section of the game I just lost all my momentum
big daddy system is sort of cool but as soon as I realized it was a descendent of old-school jank fps games...
beat terra's story and then realized I would just be playing through the game two more times and that's when I realized I wasn't really a kh fan
it's cool but not that different from the first
I've somehow put more time into this than most other mgs games and yet am still only halfway. so much fucking padding
played this for like 3 hours straight during a zoom lecture and never have played this again. shouldn't have even logged it in the first place!
had some source port troubles but now there's that snazzy new remaster so I really need to get back to it
something about this game stresses me out too much. I have like 5 items left and 8 days and yet I'm still worried I'll fuck it up for some reason
so close to the platinum but I don't wanna grind all of the item events!! I basically beat this game like 6 months ago
every couple years I buy a fighting game at launch and then drop it super quickly, but I figured that gg strive would be great since I had just moved in with my fgc friend. and then we both got into rhythm games instead...
I'm like halfway through the last week and insanely underleveled and I just don't want to grind... I wish I liked this game more so much
first three trials felt like an extended tutorial so I put it down for a while, starting to ease back in though
I don't feel that bad about this one since I shotgunned world/p3rd/rise/genult right before playing this so I was really tired of monhun. gf and I got back on the grind this week so I'm G rank or bust now
just doesn't scratch the itch. alphabet song goes hard tho!!
fencer grind was fucked online with friends so I'm gonna have to work through single-player to have good enough equipment for online
dunno why I thought I was gonna finish this by the end of the year even though I started it so late...
this game is sort of wack!
this one really didn't grab me for some reason. i'll be back to it soon enough I'm sure
really struggling to find someone to consistently play this with me, which wouldn't be a problem but single-player is so boring and dull
honestly I started this one a week ago after getting it on sale so it's not like I've really been putting it off


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