don't know what the hell i'm supposed to do, every enemy sees me no matter what

I highly encourage everyone to try out the free SDLPoP port of this game. It has many optional bug fixes and enhancements while remaining faithful to the original.
I'm surprised (though maybe I shouldn't be) by some of the reviews on this page where people seemingly abandoned the game very quickly without even substantially trying to engage the game on its terms. When I put in some effort to learn it, I came away admiring the design of this thing immensely. There's a precision and an austerity here that really tickles my brain. People seem to be frustrated by some unfair deaths, but I believe the game is designed around that well to force the player the learn the levels thoroughly. The way combat plays out is very satisfying to me. Different enemies require different strategies to defeat. Some I could defeat by being aggressive, while others I had to be very patient or bait into attacking and then countering.
I don't put a ton of stock into awarding old games extra credit for being good relative to when they came out, but I am extremely impressed at how well this game holds up. Special mention should be given to the audio/visual design. The game still looks and sounds nice and has some cool cutscenes.

I was very frustrated initially because I could barely solve any of the fates and the game tediously led me through every memory. I almost quit, but then I realized I could go back and solve everything freely. Solid game. Love the way it looks and sounds. It was no where near the revelatory experience of Outer Wilds for me.

Feels highly overrated these days because it was quite ahead of its time when it came out. These days it's pretty mechanically clunky. There are some spots that were nearly impossible for me to discern that I had to bomb, which was annoying. Outside of those spots, the game is pretty short and easy. I beat it on normal in about 5 hours without dying. I liked the ending a lot and it looks and sounds great still.

This could have held up amazingly, but there's some really BS level design and enemy placement, and questionable hit detection. But the cinematic stuff is insanely impressive to me considering when it came out and it still feels good to play.

I don't think this is the NES version and it seems many people don't realize that.

True desert island game.

I think this is a really great way to play this game today:
I certainly wouldn't recommend the NES version. It probably should be a separate listing entirely.
This is such a classic puzzle game that holds up brilliantly still. Many of these levels are devious requiring a mix of reflexes, quick thinking, planning, and also thoroughly learning how to manipulate enemy patterns. There are hundreds of levels and tremendous replayability because of the simple level editor.

Playing this on a base PS4. Before getting to the big village area: this is pretty alright. After: unplayable framerate.

I felt like the people I was annoying. But it's kinda funny.

I wish I could get anywhere in this, but it takes so long to do anything and I keep having trouble finding the commodities that I need, so I'm just done.

If this were a movie, I'd say, "That was a pretty good movie with good acting and writing." But it's hardly an interactive experience.

Cool idea, like FTL but it's a space shooter sim instead of strategy. On base PS4 i'm having crashes and performance problems. Too bad.

This is a very wonderful game that I am astonished has gone a bit under the radar. It just feels so good to play. But not only that, there's also an aspect of puzzle solving and exploration in finding the quickest route through a trail. Performance is buttery smooth and load times are virtually nonexistent. So if I crash I immediately try again. And again... I can't get enough. I get into some kind of zen state trying to perfect a route. On top of all that, there's this wonderful atmosphere in the game with the simple graphics and sounds of nature. It's simultaneously very relaxing but exhilerating.

F this game for the random mission where I escort a child to his mother but fail and get the child killed.