Close to Masterpieces / Games Rated 90+

I am very picky with my Masterpiece list, or as I call it my "All-Timers" list. I have 12 games I have listed as Masterpieces, and the games in this list are rated 91+ and almost made the cut. These are my next favorite games behind my masterpiece list. These are games that I was very close to giving my Masterpiece seal, but didn't quite make it. I have tried to list the reasons why but for some of them it was very difficult. When is a game is special enough to make it an all-timer, it's more of a feeling that you can't put into words.

So this list is more of explaining why I don't have them listed as masterpieces, which means I have to point the flaws of these games (though they are little). For a more positive review and legitimate reasons why they are rated so highly, you can check out my actual reviews.

As grand as this game was, I felt a liiitle bit of burnout at the end of it. I ended up putting it down for over a month and when I came back to it I only had about 2 hours left.
Originally did have this as a masterpiece, but for some reason it felt wrong to have it alongside Ocarina.
I originally did have this game as a masterpiece for its perfectly executed, infinitely replayable gameplay. It lacks a story, but it doesn’t need one to make it great. The reason I took off masterpiece level was just because of how frustrating it can be.
The story is complete nonsense. I love it, but it is nonsense. As a child it didn't bother me but as an adult I can see it's faults. Everything else is perfect though.

Celeste is very near and dear to my heart. It's hard to explain why it isn't a masterpiece.
A few glitches were too frustrating for me to give this one a seal of masterpiece.

This game had amazingly cinematic gameplay moments, but the actual in-game cutscenes were.... not great. The characters just stood away 5 feet apart and talked to each other. It could've used more fluid and realistic cutscenes. Especially after playing comparable games like Insomniacs Spider-Man, God of War, and Alan Wake, fluid cinematics adds a lot of flow from gameplay to story that this game lacked a bit. It wasn't too bad, but it was noticeable enough to break immersion at times.

The card gameplay was overall excellent, but there are other roguelike card games that have better gameplay and more replay value. By the time I beat the game and was done with the story, I was ready to put the game down. Which is weird, because that's how most other games are and I wouldn't knock them for that, but I think an important element of Roguelikes is replayability, and this game just didn't quite have it.

The only real critique I have of this game is that I think the first one is just better. I like the lower stakes and the more personal story of the 1st. This one is still a grand game and a mighty development achievement, but even in those two respects the first still outdoes it. I don't wanna take away from Ragnarok, because it is special, but the novelty was just slightly outdone by its predecessor.

Combat was not great. It's such a shame. If the combat was even a little bit good then this would be an all-timer. But it goes to show how strong every other aspect of the game is that even with boring combat I think of it so highly.

Don't think it's aged too well.


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