6 reviews liked by Paranoid_bruno

A pretty alright soulslike with some great additions and modifications to the genre to make this game feel very unique. But where this game shines most is in the character writing and story. Every character is super memorable and I love the themes of perseverance and anti-capitalism.

The mid game drags on for far too long ESPECIALLY with scuttleport, the worst stretch of the game that just keeps going. The balancing is also all over the place, I found this game all in all pretty easy for a soulslike, but there are a couple of seemingly deliberately ‘fuck you’ areas and enemies that just obliterate you. Most of the bosses are really great, it’s still just as satisfying to beat down an enemy larger and stronger than you.

I think this game fails a little bit in terms of its world building, but in a way where that was kind of inevitable. See, I think a core part of the soulslike experience is the mystery and intrigue of the world, and the atmosphere coupled on top of that make for such a great experience. Another Crab’s Treasure goes in a different direction, instead creating a world based on sea creatures’ perception of our world, and their interpretation of our items and concepts. It’s a very fun idea and is entertaining, but fundamentally loses that mystery aspect. For the first time i was playing a soulslike where I, the player, knew more about the world than the characters did, when usually it’s the other way around. This is not inherently a bad thing, but it does feel like it’s missing to me. There is some more classic ancient mystery later in the game, but it’s too late for it to really carry through the entire game.

But again, this game excels with its character writing and story. Kril has such an interesting journey as a purely reactive character for much of the game where he has to learn that might not be an option, someone who explicitly says he doesn’t like fighting and doesn’t want to do it, ending up doing it for the sake of others. Nemma deconstructing Kril’s desire to get his shell back and realizing it’s not because it made him happy, but because it was all he ever knew. Wishing he never saw the horrors of his world is something that grapples at him, and is a really interesting problem to have to deal with when it’s through his efforts that very world might be saved. Chitan and Konche were also highlights for me, Chitan especially being a very fun inspirational foil to Kril. Firth I genuinely found SO interesting as a representation of the person who says “bro if I was rich, I just wouldn’t be evil.” He’s fascinating to see develop this savior complex when he’s presented as this coward who does nothing for much of the game. He’s a lot like Roland, the main antagonist and CEO of the corporation that runs the sea, where they both don’t do anything and reap the rewards anyway. This game is also just genuinely hilarious? I’m glad it doesn’t take itself too seriously because one of the funniest additions to a punch line is removing punctuation, and I think this game does it to great effect. Excellent storytelling from Aggro Crab, and absolutely what kept me playing.

This game is very intentionally different, and I think it works very well for it. Where it makes changes to the formula it makes ones that compliment the strengths of the dev team, and is where the gameplay might not be as polished or engaging as a typical soulslike, it makes up for that with the style this game presents.

This game screams self-identity.
A crazy adventure accompanied by great artistic and sound direction (and love the ost so much), full of originality everywhere, gameplay entertaining enough to people who don't like turn-based rpgs it's fun for them, but...

Oh no, a trans character, I think the gender identity of a fictional character will ruin my life, how could I survive with this? I know! I'll go to Twitter! (Why is there controversy with the remake, if when the game came out, no one complained, because 1. The game is not politicized 2. Vivian is the goat 3. who fucking cares, omg)



I can't believe they made a game about the average time in American schools minus the guns and the punisher shirt with a trench coat

this game was quite literally my childhood.
i mean, yeah, the game definetly has flaws (prolly a bunch of them) but i'm biased because of the history i have with this game.
me and my older sister would play 100% the game in like a few days, stop playing for like two months, come back and do the same thing.



Spent basically my whole day on this and wow is it something special. Just exploring the castle over and over and finding all the different secrets and courses is satisfying and the game left me feeling so uneasy due to its dreamlike feel. Just genuinely a fun time all around, I can't say much more besides play it yourself! Well worth going into as blind as possible...

Alan Wake II é uma das melhores experiências que já tive no mundo dos jogos, é uma obra de arte, principalmente a campanha de Alan, maravilhosa do começo ao fim, com elementos nunca vistos em qualquer videogame, com uma história magnifica de boa, e principalmente suas musicas, as musicas desse jogo são incríveis, tudo muito incrível, seus gráficos, exploração, puzzles, com certeza um dos melhores jogos que já joguei.