shit look like hello neighbor

finished this about a week ago but never got to writing my review until now but here we go

MGS1 is a game i found immense enjoyment in plot wise, gameplay wise not so much. gunplay and boss fights especially felt like a chore, mostly due to being a PS1 game. due to the jump to PS2, MGS2 improves on MGS1’s flaws and then some, using new innovative ways to fight enemies, and having actually good boss design this time around.

MGS2 starts with the tanker section, in which solid snake and otacon return after hearing word of a potential metal gear being held on a u.s. marine corps tanker. while snake goes to investigate things quickly go wrong as a group of russian mercenaries take over the ship in order to steal the metal gear. in this section snake must sneak by the mercenaries and sneak further into the tanker to verify the existence of this new metal gear. followed by the tanker section is the plant section, where one of the larger twists in the game is revealed, you don’t play as solid snake. you play as raiden, a vr trained soldier who’s mission is to save the president from a group labeling themselves as the sons of liberty. i’m going to choose not to write about the specific events of both of these sections because a game of this type of quality deserves to be experienced first hand rather than read about.

MGS2 is without a doubt a masterclass in storytelling. while at the surface i found the overarching plot to be convoluted and confusing, the further i went into the game the more astounded i found myself to be. the CODEC calls were a huge part of what made MGS1 unique, and in this game they’re even better. the calls between raiden and rose especially were absolutely amazing and learning about their backstory together was something truly special. the plot twist toward the end is something absolutely unpredictable that left me truly amazed at just how much kojima thought of while writing this game, once it was revealed thinking back on earlier sections of the game caused me to think differently of those sections in the best way possible as the new information was given to me.

gameplay in MGS2 is largely improved from MGS1, it’s much smoother and features new mechanics that make things like combat and traversal much easier and more fun. the addition of first person aiming makes stealth much more easier and fun to use, especially when you take advantage of being able to hold up enemies and making them shake off their belongings like dog tags or ammo. new stealth mechanics like being able to peak and shoot from cover make boss fights a lot more fun as it encourages the player to use their surroundings to avoid enemy gunfire. MGS2 also adds a new rolling mechanic which allows faster traversal across short areas, which can also be used to cross short paths without being spotted by enemies.

in short, MGS2 is an absolute all time masterpiece with truly wonderful themes all made possible by the genius of Hideo Kojima. this game has easily helped cement MGS as one of my all time favorite game franchises due to its wonderfully unique writing and stories. easily one of the greatest games i’ve ever played, and it truly helped me understand the genius of Kojima.

there is not a single good thing about this game so realistically i should be giving this a 0.5/5 rating but seeing the words “Sharing is caring! Your pancreas is mine!” on the walls made me laugh so hard i started crying so sympathy 1/5 for that

havent played it i just know its bad (hoyoverse game)

400th logged game, woo!

For the longest time, I’ve always criticized Bethesda for a lack of variety of types of games in their catalog, as it mostly comprises of dark first person shooters, fantasy rpgs, and the occasional horror (which of course i do enjoy), with the release of Hi-Fi Rush, I can consider my issues with Bethesda resolved. Let me tell you, believe the hype. Hi-Fi Rush is incredible, easily one of the best games of 2023 thus far. This game is oozing with charm, between the comic book inspired art style, the unique rhythm based combat, and the amazing plot, it’s easy to see just how much dedication and passion went into creating this game. Throughout the story i found myself constantly having fun and never getting bored. The humor always landed for me, it reminded me of Saturday Morning cartoons you’d watch as a kid, which gives off the perfect feeling. The thing that disappoints me the most about Hi-Fi Rush is Microsoft’s marketing decisions. Shadow-dropping the game and putting it on game pass immediately, whilst making it exclusive to Xbox Series X|S and PC and not even having a physical release is almost like a wish for failure, and Microsoft wonders why the game underperformed (i’ll admit to my hypocrisy as i played this game using my game pass subscription). This game deserves so much better, as it’s truly one of a kind and amazingly fun. Easily one of my all-time favorites.

fortnite actually being fun and addicting again is something i thought i'd never see

God damn phenomenal game. Don’t think I can praise this one enough. When I played RE2 all the way back in 2019, Leon instantly became one of my favorite gaming characters ever, and my love for him only increased with this one. His character improves in every possible way (except for his mental state), his writing is fucking fantastic in this one. To extend on that every character is especially great in this game. I very quickly became a huge fan of characters like Ashley, Luis, and Krauser due to just how well written they were. The plot in this game is amazing, even if it loses a great deal of the silliness the original had, it still kept finding ways to keep getting better and better as it went on. Gameplay is really well designed in this game as well, this game probably has my 2nd favorite combat system in a shooter right behind The Last of Us Part II. The graphics are especially gorgeous, I kept finding myself using photo mode just to admire the views and capture screenshots.

Overall the Resident Evil 4 remake is absolutely phenomenal, and i can’t recommend it enough to anyone wanting to either get into the Resident Evil series, zombie shooters, etc.

how the fuck do you make spidey's swinging THAT BAD?!?!?

even epic games made better spidey swinging, this is just a shame.

The Callisto Protocol is a game i have very conflicting feelings on. Back in 2022 this was one of my most anticipated games, I foolishly expected it to be a masterpiece on the level of games like God of War Ragnarök, or maybe even The Last of Us, but sadly this was not the case. For the most part there’s a good amount of things I like about this game, the graphics are gorgeous, the atmosphere is on point, and although the combat feels very clunky, once I got used to it, it was very fun when 1 on 1 with an enemy. The biggest problem I have with this game is that it feels like a very big identity crisis in my opinion. It felt like it was trying too hard to be Dead Space while also feeling like it was trying too hard to be The Last of Us in space (during the 2nd half of the game a new enemy is introduced thats literally just the clickers but not programmed nearly as good lol) while also trying too hard to be it’s own thing (hopefully that makes sense). Going back to my previous statement about the combat, I do completely believe it’s fun on 1 on 1 fights, but once a 2nd enemy shows up it instantly becomes horrible since there’s literally no way to use melee to fight 2 enemies at once. The story is… ok. The first half of it in the prison was pretty great! but once you escape the prison it kinda takes a nose dive. The characters aren’t very interesting either, I liked Karen Fukuhara’s character Dani a lot, but I found myself barely caring about characters like Jacob (although i did enjoy playing as him) and Elias. Not to mention how uninteresting characters like the Warden and Leon. The final boss was ok, nothing more than that, at least it was way better than fighting a 2 head 7 times like the game also makes you do. Also the ending is very obviously DLC bait lol and i’m not buying that shit

In conclusion, The Callisto Protocol is a decent game with very great ideas, but the execution just isn’t anywhere near as good as I hoped it would be.


i will never forgive myself for spending $100 on this shit.

Review for the main story, still have yet to play The Final Draft.

In a year where Spider-Man 2, my most anticipated game for about 5 years, released, I never expected a game about a writer trapped in a world of his own creation to overtake it for my game of the year. But here we are. Alan Wake II is an absolutely incredible game, and i truly don’t think my writing will be able to sell it for how good it is. The plot is phenomenally insane, and i truly believe only a man like Sam Lake could come up with this stuff. The area where Alan Wake II exceeds most is in its uniqueness, from things like the use of live action cutscenes, to the portable light mechanic, and the mind place/writers room. being able to gain more evidence as the game continues to piece together the story, as well as being able to change the layouts of rooms within mere seconds is one of the most creative things i’ve ever seen. Don’t even get me started on the music, the end of chapter songs as well as the return of poets of the fall to create so many new bangers as the old gods of asgard made for such a phenomenal soundtrack. I was really impressed with the dual narrative in this title, the way Alan and Saga’s plots would occasionally come together for mere moments just to separate again was just 🤌🤌🤌🤌. And hoo boy those graphics, Bright Falls and the Dark Place have never looked better. I constantly found myself ooing and aaahing over the gorgeous set pieces.

Overall, Alan Wake II is a damn good game, and the switch to a survival horror game makes it a huge improvement from the first Alan Wake. This game has easily become my game of the year and has without a doubt solidified Remedy as one of the best and most creative game developers of all time. Definite must play.

(Small little note: Sorry this review is kinda lazily written i’m tired as all hell writing this and will probably rewrite most of this when i’m less tired 💀💀💀💀)


Omori is a masterpiece, it’s so good that I can barely even put my thoughts together on what to write for this review.

I bought Omori after hearing several good things all over the internet, and after looking into it for a while on Steam, I had decided to purchase it.

I was immediately in love with the game. The art style immediately drew me in, I loved the brilliant use of color, and the characters all seemed so unique from one another (Kel is the best character). From the very moment the story began, I could see just how much passion and love was put into this game from Omocat.

However the bright colors and cheery music began to fade after a while, and the true colors and nature of Omori began to show itself.

While the bright side of Omori is still amazing on its own, where Omori truly shines is in its dark side. Throughout my playthrough I went from thinking this was the happiest game I had ever played, to constantly wondering what would happen next, I truly began to become concerned about what could happen to the characters, or even the protagonist.

Another area where Omori truly shines is in the real world: Faraway Town.

Omori is now referred to as Sunny (or whatever you choose to name him). And we learn that Sunny had been a shut-in for years now. We also learn that Sunny will be moving out of his house in a few days to a new town.

I truly believe that one of the most horrifying things in Omori is its use of Something, As it stalks both Sunny and Omori through both of the in-game worlds. It can be seen almost anywhere in game, in mirrors, in hidden rooms, even in books or pictures. But eventually Something begins to help the player, teaching him to overcome his fears so he can access other areas in the game, such as Otherworld or Deep Well.

But I believe that the MOST HORRIFYING thing in Omori is Black Space. Black Space can be accessed by acquiring the necessary keyboard keys to complete the hangman minigame. Once the phrase is completed, the horror truly begins.

From the very moment I set foot in Black Space, chills went down my spine. The music is unsettling, and you are presented with a room similar to White Space. However, there are several rooms filled with horrors, including a room that is filled with copies of your friends, however they wander around mindlessly, and they have no faces.

This is all I will write about the game for now as I do not want to spoil anything huge.

If you have the opportunity, please play Omori. I promise you will not regret it.

probably the most fun ive had with a "sports" game. really wish it never became free to play though.