Genuinely such an underrated title. The msuic, the themeing and the story are some of the best to come from Sonic but the controls are just so atrocious that it really drags down the game. I really hope this and Black Knight get remade at some point because they have so much potential in them.

The amazing story, satisfying gameplay and ability to change the tone from serious to silly at the drop of a dime makes this game so much fun to play. One of my most favourite games I have played as of recent.

Its ricochet. Its just like that.

I some how got my duck stuck out of bounds once when I was playing with friends. One of the most exciting moments we had seeing my duck slowly roll away before getting stuck on a lawn chair.

One of the fun-est RPGs ever really. Can't wait for the rest of the chapters to release.

This is probably the most fun sandbox game that I've played that isn't Minecraft. The movement, destruction and setting is some of the best that I've seen from these games.

I just really like to mess around on worlds with random addons that I install. However, doing gamemodes with friends is also hilariously fun.

This is probably the definitive Arena FPS. The speed and tech that the game offers is just so wild and fun to learn.

Genuinely one of the most fun and innovative FPS games that I have ever played. While I wish there were more levels, the ones that are available are so well made that that practically infinitly replayable.

This is the definitive HOTD game. The terrible voice acting and the quick and difficult gameplay is all adds together to perfection in this classic.

I love The House of the Dead series, and this game is easily one of the best in the series.

My personal favourite of the games due to nostalgia. I like how the voice acting actually slowly got better starting from here (until Scarlet Dawn) and the new ranking system makes runs feels so satisfying when you get a high rank.

This is how I played both HOTD 2 and 3 and it is certaintly the best way to play these games at home.

The remake is alright, but it has several issues that make it significantly worse than the original. The worse soundtrack, the ways enemies work just feeling off and the significantly downgrade bosses, with the final boss somehow being the easiest of the 4, just makes me want to play the original over it.

I played this in preparation for Dread, and it is just peak. Enough said, go play it.