Cute love story about unassuming choices leading to life changing events. Very short and simple, but a lot of heart.

A brief point-and-click adventure simplified to be more intuitive while maintaining that classic look and feel with some charming pixel art and animation/effects (I particularly love the crouch-down-wearing-a-dress motion in the second act that has a fluidity and roundness to it that feels unnatural for a cluster of a few tiny squares).

From what I know of Calvino's book that the title is referencing (that I have yet to read), the game seems structured somewhat similarly, but the stories presented are grim tales in which societal injustices lead to great personal ruin, taking that idea of a novel about the pleasure of reading novels and twisting it to point at the allure of tragic narratives and its melancholic function as an empathy vehicle.

Definitivamente é um jogo de Laurinha Lero (o que é um grande elogio).

Joguei uma partida. O caos reinou. 10/10.

Só assisti mas senti que estava jogando.

A Game & Watch-like minigame with more colors and pixels stylized for maximum cuteness. Fun!

Playing for the millionth time, now with Vitor Vilela's patch that makes the game widescreen. Impressive stuff.

Neat twist on Peggle, nothing groundbreaking.

A neat enough way of conveying the idea of mixing ingredients trough gameplay by putting a match type game in a looser state. It is definitely carried more by the cute pokemon art (except for pikachu, that looks like some weird big headed puppet monstrosity) than anything else, because it never asks too much of you, even after introducing three or four new types of "puzzles", so it can get real boring really fast.

Tiny tiny tiny platformer with really tight controls, nice visuals and good — but quite standard — challenges.

Feels like a game inspired by a Playdead from ten years ago. The clunky controls and flat visuals didn't hold me for very long. Fun VA tho.

A neat creation born out of the hellscape that is 2020 in an earnest attempt to make us move a little while stuck at home.

Impossível dizer se é trash ou a mais fina arte.

Achei curioso terem chamado o novo WarioWare de Bayonetta 3.