what the lack of pussy does to a mf

"I know writers who use subtext and they're all cowards."

Shit is boring as fuck chief.
At least i was playing with a friend and we could laugh at the terrible jumpscares

"Finding it though... that's not the hard part. it's letting go..."

proceeds to glitch the game and run away with all the gold bars

I swear the 140 hours of this game in my steam account aren't mine, please stop making fun of me

Yakuza 5 says "Yume" more times than the entire series mention of "Yumi"

World 1 through 9 plot: Haha, me and the Little Princess go through different worlds to recruit guardians to power a magic sword and defeat the Dark Magician!!!
World 10 plot and beyond: wokeuplikethis starts playing.

This game taught me to always use a rubber.

Overall much better than Coteries of New York, the writing is much more consistent, the ambience and art are still great and having a set protagonist really helps with the story.
I have some problems with how the reveals are handled at the end but nothing as bad as Coteries's ending.

Well written(most of the time) and with really good ambience but with a fucking sudden and terrible plot twist of an ending.
Also, Malkavian E-girl Gore Fake Livestreamer

Honey, it's 4PM, time for your daily bad chasing minigame.

Don't think I would be enjoying this game as much as I am right now without a friend.

Imagine Borderlands, but actually funny.

Portable has a lesbian Mitsuru, so it's clearly the superior persona version.