Dishonored is currently the best stealth game. There are a few minor bugs that are annoying but they don't take away from the overall experience. The definitive edition looks slightly better, but the loading times are ridiculous. Worth getting if you haven't played the game or looking for a fresh play before Dishonored 2. While the story is nothing amazing, the characters are well developed, music is good but subtle, and the steam punk atmosphere is fantastic.

DotO is basically a DLC for Dishonored 2 which completes the series's story. While Billy has her own abilities (which are pretty awesome), overall the game plays just like the first two. It's basically more Dishonored goodness, so if you like Dishonored you'll like this one. The level design is fantastic as always and the story a solid end. Overall wroth buying for fans of the series.

Just like the first game, Dishonored 2 is a fantastic stealth game. If you enjoyed the first game you'll enjoy the sequel because it's more of the same with just enough changes to make it feel a little different. The only real gripe I have with the game was it had all the same minor flaws from the first game, and for some unknown reason, the develops took out the ability to replay through a mission. That's a pretty big step backwards. Otherwise this is a fantastic stealth game.

Diablo 3 is a solid looter. As expected from Blizzard the graphics and music are top notch, however the story is below average. But who cares, this is a looter and the looting elements are great with sets used to expand character builds. The game does have some weaknesses, character customization is week, leaving only a few true build options. The end game is also pretty shallow atm, you basically do bounties and rifts.

Mankind Divided is a better shooter than it is a stealth game. The issue is that the devs are stuck on using stealth mechanics from the 2000's. They also refuse to implement modern mechanics stating they want the game to feel like DE did in the 2000's. Unfortunately this creates a mediocre stealth experience when compared to other modern stealth games. Everything else about the game is solid, though nothing amazing. The new cover system is also great. If you like shooters it's alright.

Game is way to long. It’s just to long. The game would be way more enjoyable if it was only around 10 hours instead of 40+ hours. Even then the game is just one long fetch quest, which isn’t really that fun. The physics are off too, with Sam tripping over every pebble and invisible stick he can find. Oh and the story, it's the usual Kojima pretentious nonsense. Outside of all that the graphics are fantastic and building stuff is kinda fun.