Everyone saying this is a return to form lied. It feels nothing like SH, and I'm just not in the mood for the agenda they're trying to push in it. This is just Konami trying to recapture the lighting with a bottle from PT and it's not working imo.

So, what do you get if you combine Defense Grid with Portal? A really amazing DLC. The maps for You Monster are very different than the maps in any of the other Defense Grid DLCs. First, it's based off Portal complete with insults from GLaDOS. Second, a lot of the maps are more than just stopping the aliens, GLaDOS interferes by limiting what towers you use and so on. If you like Defense Grid and Portal you can't go wrong with this DLC.

Eight more awesome levels to play through on the best tower defense game ever made? Yes please. The levels are well designed and challenging. That's all there really is for this DLC, eight more maps each with five challenges to get medals for. It's worth it for the cost.

This is one of the best tower defense games ever made. You have to set up you towers to stop Aliens from taking power cores. What makes this game so great is the different set ups and paths you can build with your towers. There are also levels that have layered paths so you really have to pay attention. Unlike a lot of tower defense games, Defense Grid requires good strategy more than just putting a lot of towers down.

DG2 improves on everything from the first game. The level design is just as fantastic. The towers can now get upgraded abilities and the new boost towers are really cool. You will also need to use more than just gun towers in order to get gold medals. One of the best tower defense games ever made.

Just one more cycle, damn it's 5am and I'm suppose to get ready for work. Best call in sick and get some sleep. But first, just one more cycle. Game is really good. Got it on Steam sale and played it through non stop. Haven't done that in a long time.

A "reverse" tower defense game where you play the units that attack towers. The idea is really good and there's a lot of polish to the game but the game design is lacking. I didn't care for the check point system, and you only really needed to use crawlers and a shield unit for most of the game. I also feel the towers deal too much damage and there's not enough resources in most levels. Otherwise a solid game for Tower defense fans who want to play on the other side.

One of the best survival horror games I've played. While it didn't scare me, it was somewhat nerve wreaking at times. You can't defend yourself from the monsters in the game, you have to run and hide. The puzzles weren't too hard to figure out. Most of the ones that took me some time were the kind where it was easy to miss a item you needed or a trap door in the ceiling and I didn't look up to see it. The story was pretty basic, graphics are good, and the music and sound was pretty good.

Great popcorn fun. No dumb story forcing it's way in to my mindless shooting, punching goat butt, and other open world shenanigans fun.

I was looking forward to a post apocalyptic Far Cry game. Unfortunately the game didn't deliver on the apocalyptic feeling at all. It's just another below average FC game, complete with awful story, way to long load times, and a tacked on RPG system that ruins what make's Far Cry worth playing to begin with.

meh. When it's fun it's really fun, when it sucks it really sucks. They replaced the annoying hawk/eagle attacks with even more annoying plane/helicopter attacks. They also got rid of crafting bags and now you have to earn more carry space with perks which annoys me to no end. The perk system as a whole sucks anyways. I really hate how the story forces you away from the open world. Nothing sucks more than being pulled form whatever fun you're having to be forced to sit through whatever part of the incredibly awful story segments you've "earned". Still, running around doing open world shenanigans and jumping out of aircraft with the wingsuit is always fun.

Final Remix. The game is great as always, but I found the touch controls less responsive on the Switch than I remember on the DS, which is a big problem for this game. Otherwise very much worth playing as there's nothing really like the game out there.

One of the better Tales games. I'm not normally a fan of Tales games but I did really like this one. Side skits are always the best parts of these games when they have them. Fun gameplay as usual and a good story.

A solid collection of some of the better games from the Genesis. Mostly have this for nostalgia and Shining Force games.