RAGE is one of those games that had real potential to be something great, but ends up falling short. The graphics are some of the best I've seen this gen. The music is serviceable, and the gameplay is solid. The story is nothing special and the ending is absurdly bad. I feel that perhaps the devs spread themselves too thin trying to make the game more than just a FPS, because in the end the best developed area of the game is the racing. No joke, it's almost as good as a full racing game.


Super under rated game. Of course it's not for everyone but I really enjoyed this game. The music is some of the best I've heard in a game...ever. I have the soundtrack it's that good.

I liked ME3 a lot more than ME2. They really did take the best of both games and put them into this one. It still feels like a third person shooter more than a RPG. Some of the gameplay is still too sloppy imho. Such as the cover system or charge as a Vanguard. The story was overall better...till the end. Yeah the End was awful which was disappointing.

I like Kasumi and her loyalty mission a lot. It's a good story and Kasumi is a great character. However it's pretty short and may not be worth the $. More for those who really like ME2 and want to experience the full game.

Very disappointing. I loved the first one, but this one just didn't deliver for me at all. The game is mostly a third person shooter, not a very good one at that. Story was awful, there was so much potential for them to explore but they just didn't do anything with the story. Just not as epic as the first game, it's mostly you running around picking up people and doing their chores for them.

Solid RPG but nothing amazing. The memories you collect are the best part of the game. They are short stories you read and some of them are really good. The main story was a good idea but poorly implemented. Combat was fun.

Beautiful graphics, though it has odd matting (the chars hold their arms out so they don't clip their outfits lol). I really enjoyed the gameplay a lot, and though I know that's usually the main point of a game but... The story is bad. Really really bad. So bad that it ruins the game. And the clips about Chopin's life...let me skip them. I mean I enjoyed them the first time but after that I just want to skip them...they also run too long.

I really enjoyed this game. Thought it was really fun, had a solid story and characters and of course it's a post apocalypse environment which I have a weakness for. I've noticed those who don't like it expected it to be something else. so if you're not looking for a Tomb Raider/Uncharted (lol I know right) game you might enjoy it.

As a whole I think the game is good but there are a lot of flaws. The stealth and cover mechanics are sloppy and need some more tweaking before the game was released. Boss fights are awful. For their first game Eidos Montreal is going in the right step though. Next game will be amazing if they fix stuff. Graphics are solid and the music was very good.

So...not as good as the first imho. I mean they did improve on some of the game mechanics which is great and what should be expected of a direct sequel. But the game's atmosphere just didn't grab me like the first one's did. They also added QTE which I hate in action games. It draws me out of the game and with few exceptions are just really bad mechanics in any game.

My favorite action horror game. I love space, I love horror survival games, I love zombies and aliens. This has it all and a fantastic atmosphere that really makes you feel like you're in the game.

A very fun and different kind of game. I found it to be hard at first, but that was mostly due to the game having unique gameplay and so there's a small learning curve at first. The music is techno and a big part of the game. The graphics are okay but it's really about the gameplay experience which is unlike any game I've played before. It kind of like games from That Game Company on the PSN. It's also a pretty short game, took me a while because I kept putting it off.

I enjoyed this game a lot. Graphics and music are great. The story is interesting, the kind you'll like or hate though. It did have a few flaws which dropped it's rating. The controls are not as responsive as I'd like for a platformer. The dress are neat, but some of their special abilities don't add much and seem to just be there because...dress...need something special.

I love this game. Never got to play it on the PC when it came out so I was happy to get it for free with the second game. The graphics are dated but still pretty good. Music is great. Over all gameplay and design is solid.

This game could have been awesome. The gameplay, however, was pretty mediocre. There are points where multiple enemies attack you but the game isn't really designed for more than 3 enemies coming at you. Story was good though. Music and graphics are good. The light mechanics are interesting, but they needed to develop them more.