Halloween Game 2016.

What a rotten game. Full of awful design, combat, story, characters, loot system and bugs. There's really nothing redeeming about DI. I'm amazed people like this game. It's incredibly annoying how enemies can just run through your attacks, or how your attacks just go through them, or how they just ignore it all together. The loot system is awful as well, almost pointless. Overall I just found the game boring and tedious to play.

The Arkham series are not only the best Batman games ever made, they are currently the best super hero games ever made (this review was written before Marvel's Spiderman which is an obvious contender). The Arkham games also happen to be one of the best brawler games as well. With Asylum being the first in the series, it's gameplay isn't as smooth as the others, but I still find it my favorite Arkham to date (Knight might change that). I enjoy both the atmosphere and story more than the other two.

Disappointing. I knew not to expect much from a game that went through the kind of development hell FFXV did, but I was still hopeful there would be something redeeming here. There's not. First, it doesn't feel like a flagship FF game. Second, it's just a bad game all around. It feels rushed and incomplete. Combat is awful, I'm amazed people think it's good. The open world is barren and uninteresting unless you like finding gas stations. Story is beyond bad.

Awesome game, it's also one of the harder SMT game's I've played. Both the last fight of the main game and the last fight on Amane's 8th day were a bit over kill. Most of the fights are well designed but the press systems isn't as well done in Devil Survivor as most of the SMT games. Status effects are not as annoying in DS though. Over all a must play RPG for the 3DS.

I'm not as big a fan of the cast for Solid's story as I am of Big Bosses, and I don't know how I feel about the end to the series story as a whole. I found this game a little more mature than most of Kojima's previous work. However there was a lot of unnecessary contradictions in the story just to create some suspense. Graphics and music are fantastic. Gameplay is solid, though I missed camo/curing from MGS3. The last fight was an interesting idea but poorly implement.

I always look forward to Vanillaware's games. DC isn't my favorite of their games, but it's still a really great beat 'em up. If you're a fan of old beat 'em ups like Golden Axe and like in-depth skill builds and loot systems, you'll enjoy DC a lot. There's not much of a story, it's really only there to give a basic framework to move through and kill things to get loot. The graphics are VA's usual cell shade stuff. Only real issue I had is it can be hard to see your character in a group.

This is far from the AAA game promised. The whole, we’re going to relive what your ancestors did through genetic memory is just dumb, I’d rather the game have just actually taken place in the time period. While there are a lot of cool concepts for gameplay it’s all sloppy and poorly implemented. Climbing is an awful chore. Combat is sloppy and simple. While I can see the basic outline for a good game here, overall Assassin’s Creed feels like a half baked, poorly thought out and developed game.

VC's story is fantastic, one of the better jSRPG’s i’ve played. The combat system is unlike other SRPG’s, it doesn’t use a grid and movement is done in real time. That means enemies can shoot at you. When you attack real time is paused allowing you to line up your shot. Otherwise the game has the usual SRPG mechanics to include the bad stuff. Like high miss rates, enemy dodging everything, and worse of all enemies and put a whole clip into you as the game pauses real time.

This game is all around awesome. The story is incredibly good, with a fantastic ending. It's very moving and powerful. Solid graphics and music for a DS game. I like all of the characters, they are very well designed and have good dialogue. The gameplay is traditional turn base, but you can manipulate enemies on the grid. It took me some time to beat the game mainly because I just wasn't in the mood for a turn base game, but it is very well done.

MGS3 is my favorite MG game. The graphics and music are fantastic. It has the best MGS story so far, but it's still nothing amazing. Kojima is still too immature as a writer for my liking. The combat is much improved from MGS2 with a lot of added features that are fantastic, like camouflage and curing. Still there are some gameplay issues and I didn't care for most of the boss fights. Probably the only MGS game I'll ever play more than once.

So they made a alien abduction DLC. A lot of people feel it doesn't really fit into the FO universe, and they're probably right. However, I found killing aliens fun and Zeta is fairly long for a DLC. There's also some great loot to be found.

All I wanted was a fun bad ass Jedi simulator of some kind. What we got was a half assed and very lame attempt at a Star Wars soul’s like. Combat and platforming are both hot garbage. Getting a perfect parry only to have another enemy hit you and prevent you from attacking the now vulnerable parried enemy is trash. Dodging is awful because it almost never works. And platforming, I just love sliding down a hill and getting stuck on the edge only to fall to my death, over and over.


I really enjoyed playing through Prey, despite it's many flaws. The level design is fantastic which makes exploring Talos 1 fun. The game just oozes with ambiance. It's obvious that System Shock was a huge inspiration, and feels similar to Bioshock and Dead Space. I enjoyed the combat, but there is a learning curve and It can't be played like a regular FPS. The story was underwhelming, and there are a lot of bugs. Overall worth playing.

It's Mario Kart 8 with extra goodies. That said, shell spam is ridiculous, why there's no temp invulnerability after taking a hit is anyone guess. First place almost never gets any fun items to use, so the game is actually more fun when you're losing. The arena is also pretty boring compared to older kart games. Otherwise, let rainbow road take you home.

What a delightful surprise. I thoroughly enjoyed this game to the point I was unable to put it down until I had 100% the game. Which I did in only seven days, quite the feat for how busy I am. I don't think I have played a game quite like this since my first run through of Hades back on its initial release on the Switch. And to think I would have never played this game if it wasn't forced on me by GameStop when I bought my PS5 from them.