The Hot Wheels track is pretty cool. However, it makes it hard to move from point to point if you don't have fast travel unlocked. It's also pretty repetitive and the Hot Wheels cars themselves aren't all that great. You also never race against other Hot Wheels cars, just the normal Forza cars. You're doing all the same things as you do in normal mode but on the new track. All in all it's not worth the asking price, get it cheap on a sale.

First Forza game and honestly don't see what all the fuss is about. The game's physics and controls are meh. I also hate the off road tracks. They're just awful to race through and I'm a big fan of off road racing. I also disliked most of the tracks, some of those turns are a pain with the awful physics and unresponsive controls. Only good thing is the verity of cars you can play. If you're into painting cars, it's pretty well done. I did have some fun, but overall found Forza mediocre.

Simple the best loot based ARPG you can play right now.

This game is all around awesome. The story is incredibly good, with a fantastic ending. It's very moving and powerful. Solid graphics and music for a DS game. I like all of the characters, they are very well designed and have good dialogue. The gameplay is traditional turn base, but you can manipulate enemies on the grid. It took me some time to beat the game mainly because I just wasn't in the mood for a turn base game, but it is very well done.

A click adventure game that reminds me a lot of the old chose your own adventure books I read as a kid. You have two parts of the game, the story sections and the puzzle sections. The Puzzle sections break up the story sections but the story sections are usually pretty long. The story is really good with a lot of good twists. I wasn't able to figure out who Zero was till the game told me. The graphics, gameplay, and music are all great.

A great Spider-Man story bookend with mediocre gameplay. Look, the game didn't fix any of the slopy control issues I had with the previous games and it added a whole slew of new ones. While not as bad as Fallen Orders parry system, Spider-Man 2's parrying doesn't feel great either. My main gripe is that there are so many different combat systems and no way to cancel out of combos/dodges/parries/whatever which is a major staple of this kind of gameplay. Insomniac has shown they don't full understand how to develop brawlers at all.

Game was only praised because it had Pokémon in it's name. As a whole, the game is poorly programed, designed, and developed. There's almost no real balance between the different Pokémon types, the game is missing major RPG QoL elements that were standard's for 1998, no real story, and only being able to evolve certain Pokémon through trading sucked. Overall was more frustrating to play than fun. Collecting weird creatures to fight to the death was fun though.

Awesome game, it's also one of the harder SMT game's I've played. Both the last fight of the main game and the last fight on Amane's 8th day were a bit over kill. Most of the fights are well designed but the press systems isn't as well done in Devil Survivor as most of the SMT games. Status effects are not as annoying in DS though. Over all a must play RPG for the 3DS.

Pretty much the same thing as the first game, but with a much worse story. Otherwise it's a tactical SMT game so you know what you're getting into if you haven't played a Devil Survivor before. Which you should because they're great and one of my favorite SMT spinoffs.

My least favorite of the main STM series, yet the only one I've beat. Go figure. It's not a bad game, I just feel it's lower quality than is usual from Atlus. It has all the trademark goodness and badness to expect form the flagship games. My main issue is the horribly designed map and average story. It is in fact one of the worst maps I've ever dealt with. I'd lose interest in playing the game for long periods just because I didn't want to deal with it. The story also never really grabbed me.

I loved A Link to the Past, unfortunately this was a meh "sequel". The gameplay and the new mechanic of turning into a painting was fantastic. The story was a welcome change to the usual formula and the graphics/music great. However, there was a lot of questionable choices for the rest of the game. Instead of finding items throughout the world and dungeons, you rent/buy them. Sorry, but that was just an awful decision. The hit detection was also off. A decent Zelda game with some dumb gameplay decisions.

What can I say, game isn't jiving with me at all. I wanted steampunk, I got 80 cartoons with aliens and boring stereotypical characters and an awful story. Gameplay is pretty mediocre as well, it's all trial and error with no real strategy. Too much stun and other cheap tactics in order to create a false sense of difficulty. Every character has their own special attack and most of them just suck. It's all frustrating to play. Too bad.

Every time I give this game a go, it feels like it's still in beta, but with decent graphics. Gameplay is total shit. The light mechanic is just a lame gimmick. All you're doing is striping off enemies invulnerable shields so you can shot them. Enemies are lame and annoying to fight. It takes forever to strip off their shields, and then they take a ton of bullets to kill. Talk about unnecessary damage sponges, this game has two you have go through for most enemies. They're also very fast, and super accurate and can often times hit you even when you've clearly dodged. Alan on the other hand, is slow and lazy. He can't even run longer than a second or two. He get's stuck on every invisible twig/rock/whatever imaginable, can only take a couple of hits before dying. The levels and puzzles are poorly designed. Game is buggy as well. The story is also mediocre, with a lame cliff hanger ending. Remedy didn't bother fixing any of the game's major issues with the remaster, just polished the graphics some. A polished turd is still a turd.

I never played the original RE3 so I can't really compare it. This seems to be where Capcom first starts to move heavily away from survival horror and more into action horror. It's almost a nice balance between the two. There are a few poorly designed areas like the bug nest and Nemesis' stage 2 fight. RE3 has one hit kills which are always bullshit garbage design. The graphics are fantastic, and I don't have the issue everyone seems to have with how Jill looks. To me they made her look like a real person, instead of generic random obvious CGI girl #205. Overall a pretty fun, creepy time.

Looters tend to be comfort food for me, and the Borderlands series do a good job of filling that craving. I enjoyed the changes they made and the game overall. However there's not much end game and the DLC is sorely lacking. All in all, it's a Borderlands game through and through, with a few new items to keep it interesting enough at first but ultimately ends up being a bit too long in tooth.