Wonderfully stupid gameplay. I've never played anything like the Wonderful 101, and I doubt I ever will, for the simple fact that the Kyodai Hero genre isn't popular in the west. The game makes use of a lot of interesting and original gameplay elements that make exclusive use of the WiiU's tablet. The story also has great humor, though the plot falls short. All of this made me want to like the game, but the gameplay and controls are atrocious and ended up ruining the game for me.

Worst Mario I've played. First the star farming is back. It's absolute bullshit that I have to farm a bunch of stars to progress through levels, if I beat a level I should be able to continue on. Most of the levels are poorly designed with a lot of rehashing. All of the boss fights are poorly designed and reused too much. The platforming itself is fine. This game only scored well with critics because it has Cat Mario.

If Mario 3D world is one of the worst 3D Mario's, then New U is one of the worst 2D Mario's. The gameplay is sloppy, but more importantly the levels and many of the boss fights are just poorly designed. I haven't played 2D Mario since the SNES and was looking forward to this game. It's a shame this is what Mario has become.

There's not much skill involved in most Mario Kart games, it's really how lucky you get with items and what the AI gets. Nothing is more aggravating than getting hit by a blue shell right when you're about to cross the finish line only to lose. When in first place, you get shit items so it's hard to keep first.

400 days follows the story of five different characters following the days after the outbreak happens. Each story represents a certain amount of days after, with the epilogue being at the 400 day mark. The stories are very short, the DLC as a whole is very short, but like the main game the characters are very well written. There's less lag issues and bugs/glitches with 400 Days than with the main game making it more enjoyable to play.

The game is a graphic adventure so the main focus is on story over gameplay, but the gameplay is pretty fun. The story focuses on character development over plot which is fine though not super exciting. The characters are well written, and events they go though can be intense. Overall it was a fun experience.

Another great remaster worth picking up if you have a Vita or PSTV. The game is even more gorgeous than the Wii version and the translation is also more spot on. We also finally get to play the DLC if you're interested in that. The same issues still exist, but they are minor and shouldn't prevent anyone from playing this fantastic game.

Very good game with a few major flaws that kept it from being great. Graphics and story are great. The music is serviceable but nothing amazing. The gameplay is both good and bad. The mechanics for manipulating gravity are very well done and it's fun as hell to slingshot around the City. Unfortunately, combat is atrocious and it's a big part of the game. A simple lock on mechanic would fix most of the issues...oh and having dodge on a button instead of swiping the screen.

The story is solid, though most of the "twist" are pretty predictable. I didn't care for all of the characters, and the MC is a little dumb but none of that really brought the experience down much. The music is great and the graphics are fine. The gameplay has a lot of good ideas, but I felt the controls were pretty sloppy. After beating the game there's a free roam that's pretty fun as well.

Horrible game and a glimpse into what Batman may become once Rocksteady no longer works on the Arkham games (this wasn't made by them). The graphics and music are good. Everything else is awful. The story isn't anything to look forward too. However what makes this game truly awful is the gamepaly. The controls are just awful making the game a chore to play. The last fight is also poorly designed. There were a lot of good ideas in the game, but poorly executed.

VC's story is fantastic, one of the better jSRPG’s i’ve played. The combat system is unlike other SRPG’s, it doesn’t use a grid and movement is done in real time. That means enemies can shoot at you. When you attack real time is paused allowing you to line up your shot. Otherwise the game has the usual SRPG mechanics to include the bad stuff. Like high miss rates, enemy dodging everything, and worse of all enemies and put a whole clip into you as the game pauses real time.

Another mix bag, Uncharted 3 is more enjoyable to look at than to play. The graphics, sound and story are great. Some of the visuals throughout the levels are amazing. But the gameplay is garbage, what really doesn't make sense is that it's worse than the first two Uncharted games. It's like they threw out all the things they fixed in the second one form the first one. Enemy AI is also atrocious, every enemy will just walk up to you. I feel like I'm stuck in mud when I'm trying to aim.

Like the first game, Uncharted 2 is a mix bag. I had fun and enjoyed the game overall, but there are a lot of issues as well. The gameplay is better than the first game but still sloppy. They still don't have TPS mechanics down right and Drake doesn't always respond well when platforming. The Yeti fight, last level and last fight are poorly done. The music and graphics are fantastic; story is solid. I still feel the Uncharted series is average and don't fully get the hype for the games so far.

Action adventure with third person shooting elements. The graphics are really good and it has a solid story. Exploration is good and the climbing elements in the game are fun. The action and shooting elements are not quite up to par. Overall it's a good game.

Transformers is an alright third person shooter, and that's the biggest problem with it. The game doesn't try to do anything different, and when you're playing robots that can transform into something, there's a whole realm of gameplay possibilities. None of which are explored in this game. So, if you really like TPS games and Transformers but don't expect anything special from any other TPS game, you'll most likely enjoy your time. On the other hand, I was rather disappointed with this game.