We can't forget one of the first of our lives... keep this in memory only, all these old games are pretty dated, at the time it was revolutionary

I play this at every online meeting at my job

It deliver what is expected, good Action RPG, good story

One of the best Pokemon games with Platinum... I just spent 5 hours playing a game in a casino just to get coins to buy a Dratini, now i have my Dragonite :D

i was playing this at the first time i kissed my girlfriend...

Great game, good mechanics, good characters, good gameplay, good sound track... yeah it's good

One of the DS Classics, maybe the best in the portable console, hundreds of hours of fun in my childhood

When you put Annapurna Interactive and the game director of Inside and Limbo together, the result can only be a masterpiece, it's my TOP 3 of all time. This game brings some extremely complex puzzles, but the game design is so good that u don't even realize that is that difficult, the boss fights are great too as well as the atmosphere, a trully masterpiece!

One of the masterpieces of gaming, Lucas Pope did it again, maybe the most innovative game mechanic, the sound design is great and if u take a closer look, it has a stunning lore! Work of ART

The best Pokemon game with Soul Silver/Heart Gold, Cynthia is the best final boss btw

A good chill management game, it's nice how it tells it's story through the environments and the passage of time. Really cool, played with my gf

It's in my TOP 5 of all time, creates a perfect suspense atmosphere, the world building and the puzzles are perfect as well as the game design, for me it's a must play

It's incredible how Lucas Pope can just create new genres of videogames, this game is PERFECT, one of the most iconic indies ever... GLORY TO ARSTOTZKA!!!

It smells like childhood, sometimes i catch my DS, open this game, jump from the 1st to the 5th world and leave. It's a pretty good game at all!