The story is better than Blood and Wine, kinda underrated... Gaunter O'Dimm is the best character of the entire game, the Olgierd brothers and Shani are incredible too, and the boss fights are really something

A good chill management game, it's nice how it tells it's story through the environments and the passage of time. Really cool, played with my gf

The best Pokemon game with Soul Silver/Heart Gold, Cynthia is the best final boss btw

i was playing this at the first time i kissed my girlfriend...

FUN, just FUN! Sit and play! portuguese dub is amazing btw

Great game, good mechanics, good characters, good gameplay, good sound track... yeah it's good

It smells like childhood, sometimes i catch my DS, open this game, jump from the 1st to the 5th world and leave. It's a pretty good game at all!

i've dropped... something about this game is that is a faithful RPG model that brings tha tabl... BORING AS F*CK, everyone that i heard talking of this game said: "ooh, it's a good game, i need to return someday"... everybody needs to return cuz everybody dropped too, i've played for 14 hours to realize that it's just boring. But yeah, it's a great game

It's in my TOP 5 of all time, PERFECT sound track, awesome graphic style, gameplay and story. Personally, one of the best games to remember <3

Best game of all time, just this. The best game made in history, leave this site and go play blind. I REPEAT, THIS IS THE BEST GAME IN HISTORY u can only play it once btw, enjoy it

The closest to being PERFECT, it's technically perfecti in all aspects... One of the starter pack games in history!

a PERFECT game, but sometimes i just don't understand why is there a old man looking for a girl in the middle of a card game, but it's great

One of the masterpieces of gaming, Lucas Pope did it again, maybe the most innovative game mechanic, the sound design is great and if u take a closer look, it has a stunning lore! Work of ART

One of the DS Classics, maybe the best in the portable console, hundreds of hours of fun in my childhood

My TOP 2 game of all time, mastered the genre, brings that insene feeling of don't knowing where the f*k you are... Perfect Graphics, Perfect gameplay, PERFECT sound track and if you want to know, a marvelous lore. All of this and i didn't even played the DLC's, for me one of the GOATs