Legitimately one of the scarier games I have played. Did not think a resident evil title would give me the creeps like this one did. Animation work, texture work and the VR components still holds up today. Man it was a blast to play this game.

Shit. Anyone that says otherwise is brainwashed by modern gaming. There is so much fun to be had in gaming and this game just takes it all away. Toxic community.

Basically a boring and glorified Waifu game for weebs.

Most underrated GTA title. Not even gta 5 can match its physics system. I don't know why they removed it.

Ight most people didn't like the jetpacks at the time but this has aged as one of the best jetpack era COD games. Multiplayer was fun and still is if you're able to find a lobby on consoles or if you use a client to play online on pc. But what really takes the cake is zombies on pc. There's millions of hours of content to be consumed with custom zombies all of which offer a different experience per map. The original zombies maps by Treyarch are also one of the best ever made, we have Der Eisendrache, Gorod Krovi, Shadows of Evil and remasters of previous zombies content with Zombies Chronicles. Zombies truly peaked with this game.

If you were playing this game on release (around 2015), man this game was fun. Hopping on game chat with the boys and running TDM S&D and domination was so much fun even if it wasn't boots on the ground. Only reasons I would buy it in 2023 is if there is a bundle sale (with zombies chronicles) and if you intend to play custom zombies with friends.

One of the better Assassin's Creed games up there with Assassins's Creed II. You can be a pirate by day and menace to society by night.

People will say they hate the Batmobile sections. But man, they packed so much shit into this game. I don't even know where to begin. Before this, I played Arkham City and thought that was the best superhero game, but this comes very close to that as well. In some aspects, it even beats it. Again, the cast of villains in these games have always been a strong point. Also, as someone who never read the comics before playing (Ik but I played this when I was 10 years old and recently replayed on pc a year ago.) the Arkham Knight was an interesting character. people say the plot is too predictable but trust me, you won't regret it. You get even more tools at your disposal than Arkham City with even more combo possibilities. If it's not the story, then the combat and the graphics will keep you hooked. Lastly, the graphics (HOLY SHIT ITS AN 8 year old game). Despite being aged and last gen, the graphics beat most of what comes out today. The rain, water caustics and the look and feel of Arkham City is the best its ever been represented in any medium of batman.

"No." - Kratos, A God of War

This game defined my childhood. I will never get tired of beating up thugs for the millionth time in Gotham City. The story is a cut above what most superhero movies or games can achieve. All around fun, if you don't really like the story, you will be hooked in by the addicting and engaging combat. You also fight about all of the iconic villains minus a few. But the cast of villains and allies is enjoyable because there is always a new plot twist or villain to fight against.

Three words: Hot Coffee Mod

Fully embodies the exaggerated swagger of a black teen in the United States of America but without weapons of mass destruction also known as fully automatic guns.

Very good fun yes. I smash you, you smash me.

Can't give a comprehensive review. Only place I've been to in my 3,365 hours of gameplay is the strip club.