Really unique approach to roguelike games, better prepare good headphones/speakers before you will play this game.

It can be hard to get used to this uniqueness, but it's rewarding, when you do.

One of my favourite Assassin's Creed games.
The city, which the game took place was great for exploration, the introduction of two main characters instead of one was a good idea, as they had "a bit" different approach to the combat and story/world.

Grapple hook, which helped us with parkour and travelling at first looked strange for me, but i got used to it.

Also DLC's were interesting.

Not a perfect game, but a good one for sure.

Reminds me of Doodle God, flash game i played as a kid.
If you have a goal to craft something specific, reaching to this thing can be interesting and also it's a nice game for killing time on phone or on work PC (breaks are important), but it's not something to play for many hours.

This was not a good expansion.
Raids were not very fun (except the first one, which was ok), dungeons were not the best. Torghast, the new "roguelike" mode was turned into a grind to obtain currency for legendaries, which made the mode forced and boring, especially if you were playing alts.

And the story was...bad to say at least.

At least zones were good looking.

Good roguelike game.
There are many weapons, which are fun to use and there are interesting bosses, which you need to learn how to fight correctly.

It's a hard game however, you will die many times on first levels at start.

Great story, unique way of combat system and very interesting way of how gameplay can change depending of your approach.

It was an interesting experience to play this game in their mostly original form in 2023. It's an unique experience, where you are a wet noodle, not a powerful hero and you still need to survive and train yourself.

Good game with really advanced RPG system.
Battles can be really complicated, especially later, so it's a nice game for players, who like this kind of RPG games.

Kingdom management part of this game is fine, but nothing too special.

With friends is a fun game, but there are issues. Exploring is fun and survival part of the game is interesting.
Combat however is not very good, especially on multiplayer it can be buggy and glitchy.
Main story is also not the best, it's getting a bit better later in the game, but first part of the story is meh.

Good start of the trilogy. Some aspects are not the best, AI of enemies is far from perfect, same as your companions. Exploring new planets could be done a lot better. However story, characters and immersion is great.

Very good roguelike. Not the hardest to play, thanks to many items you can play many times with different build.
Also a lot of bosses and characters allows to spend a lot of time in this game.

Small downside for RNG with items, as this roguelike is a bit too random sometimes, but it's still a great game and one of my favourites.

A classic and a good RTS game.

My favourite HoMaM game, especially with expansions.
Each city is different, with unique approach on heroes and armies, many ways to advance your characters and many ways to trick your opponents on the battlefield.

Main story however is average, it has good moments, but some missions and "plot twists" are even annoying.

I have first and second edition of this board game.
It's pretty random, but thanks to many cards it can be unique every time you play.

Some combos you can do in this game are very funny.

Best expansion added to the game.
Added A LOT of new characters, increasing number of them to impressive 34 characters. Most of them were pretty unique.

Also new bosses with new routes and we have a game full of new content, which can take hours to beat on every character.