One of the best expansions to World of Warcraft.
Correctly kept balance between old and new MMORPG, great story and main villian, dungeons and raids were amazing.

Good roguelike game.
There are many weapons, which are fun to use and there are interesting bosses, which you need to learn how to fight correctly.

It's a hard game however, you will die many times on first levels at start.

A classic and a good RTS game.

I have first and second edition of this board game.
It's pretty random, but thanks to many cards it can be unique every time you play.

Some combos you can do in this game are very funny.

Very advanced program for map paiting.

It can give a lot of fun and because of a lot of nations and a bit of randomness you can play many many times.
If only an DLC policy was better...

The most popular version of HoMaM games and even if it's not my favourite one, I can't say it can give a lot of fun.

Many cities with unique units, many campaign, easy to use map editor and graphics which are not bad after many many years.

Balance of cities is a bit off in my opinion tho.

Interesting platformer and semi-survival game.
It can teach you a lot about patience, determination and how to choose your fights.

Sadly game graphics aged horribly and game have some bugs, but still it can give a lot of fun while playing.


I bought this game after watching a full gameplay of it, because i felt like this game deserves it... and I was right.

This is an interesting MMORPG game.
First of all there are a lot of content to do, especially that new content is added every year. Also this game is great for solo and group players, as most of story content can be done alone... which is both good and bad.

Sadly new content also means a lot of DLCs, which are not too cheap. There are main chapters DLC, dungeons DLC, small chapters DLC, rich shop with a lot of skins for crowns, which you buy with real money. And remember, base game is also not for free.

Sure in theory you can have access to most of content with monthly subscription (except the new chapter) and during this subscription you are getting some "free" crowns, which you can spend you buy DLCs, but still the price to buy every DLC is big.

And PvP in this game is not the best as it's not getting a lot of support.

Probably best "modern" expansion to World of Warcraft so far. Good dungeons, great raids, story makes sense, class order halls gave a lot of immersion for every class, Mythic keystones was a great new feature added to the game, which allows to play with smaller group of friends.

There were some bad stuff, mainly way to obtain legendaries was random, which was harsh when we look on how powerful they were. Also I didn't liked Suramar, while story was ok, moving around this city was tragic.

Great ending of the trilogy. In my opinion also best combat in the trilogy, story is great. Also your choices from previous games can influence a lot of stuff in this last game and even change the ending.

Sadly I didn't liked some enemies in this game and the ending, while not bad, was not enough for the end of trilogy.

It's minecraft, what else I can add.

This is the best game from second Ace Attorney trilogy (Apollo one). Story is good, however there are some issues, which you can easily notice from third case.
Also the order of cases is complicated and you can be getting lost of what happened when.

Main characters are great, especially ones added in this game (Athena, Fulbright and Blackquill).

Good start of new trilogy, even if there are some issues.
Good cases with interesting characters, nice plot twists and good new mechanics can give a lot of fun.

The biggest issue i have is probably our main character, but he is getting more fleshed out later.