Good ending of second trilogy, but with issues.
New mechanic added to this game, seances, are really strange. I never completed them on first try.

Also new prosecutor added in this game is boring and very annoying. Other than this we are getting more background of our old characters and cases still can be shocking and very interesting.

Standard city builder game on the phone/browser. It's pretty long and it's still supported, which is good, but nothing too unique comparing to other city builders.

It doesn't have forced ads, every ad you watch is for a reward.

This is my first game in WH40k universe and it was an average experience.

Campaign, if you can call that, was not very interesting. Balance of factions is... strange. Some factions are way too strong against others and some of them are strange.

Multiplayer is ok, but there is a big restriction, where you need to have installed previous games at the same time to unlock factions other than starting two, which is not a good design. Currently it's not maybe that big of a deal, bui I can imagine the pain in 2008 to do this.

It's a fun civ game.
There are many good things about this game, like many leaders, agendas system, combat system, goverment cards, dividing research on science and culture tree.
Also in DLCs global warming is finally a big issue, nature disasters can be dangerous (i lost a game once in turn 2 because of that), governors are a cool addition.

Sadly there are few worse stuff. Districts sounded like a great addition, but because of them i feel like it's more forced for you to put your cities close to each other and districts locations are a lot more important than city center location.
Also roads can mostly be build only by traders, not by your workers, who should be able to do that...

Barbarians can be a really big threat and sometimes it's even unfair.

I had fun playing this game, funny shooter with rpg elements, however some content was boring.

Missions are pretty repetitive, but it's still a good game and you can really feel like an assassin.

Great main character, good story, you still feel like playing an assassin, there are many good things.

Story was ok, there were some interesting moments, but nothing too special.

Travelling throught cities was fun, but the wilderness part of the map was not fun to travel. It's good looking, that's for sure, but from gameplay point it was not fun.

As for the ending of main character trilogy, i hoped for more.

Honestly nothing too special.
After short tutorial you are put on the map, where you need to get as much points as you can in 20 minutes (real time).
There are few buildings and after two games I felt like I discovered everything this game has to offer.

There are few missing things, like random generated map (or at least a selection of them), ability to drag roads (you need to build roads tile by tile even, when you make them free) or just more buildings.

Fun to play with friends, but I would not play it as singleplayer or with random players.

This game has amazing artstyle, knowing that they manually hand-draw every frame of the animation of characters. Music is great, i have some songs from this game on my phone to listen from time to time.

For gameplay however it's only an okay game, outside of run and gun levels, which are bad.

This game has an interesting artstyle, which fits into the lore of this game. From the gameplay i liked that you needed to adjust to weather, temperature, seasons.

Combat was awkward for me however and pretty annoying at times. It was also hard for me to play this game without a guide.

Game so "good" that Bethesda released it on every single platform they could. They would release it on samsung fridge, if they could.

Joking aside, it's an okay game, but with many average things. Exploring can be fun and from the open world game this is a good thing, some landscape are really good looking. I had fun playing this game for a moment. However there are issues... you are the hero, an icon of this story, but aside of few situations you don't have a lot of choice, you need to be a hero (especially if we are talking about main story). Combat is okay, but it's just lacking depth. Civil war is a joke, some story moments are also a joke. Also there are some bugs, now mostly fixed, but when I played there were noticeable.

You could say "but there are mods, which improve everything in this game". Yes, there are mods and mod support is definitely a good thing in this game, but we shouldn't expect fixing a game from modders, but from the creators.

So in short, it's an okay game, but didn't deserve so much popularity it got.

This is a good platformer game.
Difficulty of the game is correctly balanced, the later you are in the game, the harder it gets.
Also you can finish this game on the keyboard, while gamepad is of course recommended, it's not needed in this case.
Story is average however, nothing too special.

Fun to play from time to time, especially with friends, but it can get boring after few hours.