Reminds me of Doodle God, flash game i played as a kid.
If you have a goal to craft something specific, reaching to this thing can be interesting and also it's a nice game for killing time on phone or on work PC (breaks are important), but it's not something to play for many hours.

While fun in theory, in practice a lot of puzzles are really restrictive with where you can put objects. Often objects you will want to put will be "red", because you can't put them there, even if it's a background thing, which blocks you.

Also music at least for me was annoying on some levels.

There are many levels tho and many types of them, so if you will get used to specific thinking, i suppose it can be fun.

It's a pretty good game, not perfect, but still good.

Story was interesting, for sure there are a lot of details in it and you will not find all details in first normal playthrought. Story tries to show difficult topics and mix it with "standard" GTA style formula. Sometimes GTA does this poorly, but mostly it's at least correct.

Characters are well written, not all of them, but I will remember some of them for sure. Maybe not Franklin, i feel like he is a great character, but compared to some other characters in this game he lacks a little of polishing in my opinion.

Gameplay wise it's a great game, shooting feels nice, riding different vehicles is satisfying (I still don't know, how to land a plane, but that is my fault), a lot of optional content to do.

It is for sure one of the best fanmade game for Undertale universe. Most of the times you can feel that this is, well, undertale style.

Story was pretty good, sometimes you need to think of what is good and what is bad from different perspectives (main character or monsters). Especially pacifist route is a main source of lore here (tho if you want full perspective, you probably need both neutral and genocide route).

Game is harder than original undertale, however there are many options which can help you with your journey available in options, which is a good thing, because more people can enjoy the game.

Songs from this game are really cool and fitting to the universe. Same as artstyle (with one exception, but i'm not gonna mention it cause of spoilers).

The issue tho i had with this game is that some parts of the game are a bit different from others or you can say they are not fully polished. Or at least I didn't enjoy them. Also some attacks are changing depending of RNG, which can be sometimes annoying, when you take extra damage, because attack spawned directly on you.

Still, this game is for sure worth checking, especially that it's free.

Sometimes it's easy to write a review of the game, you just say what you think about the game. With this one I needed to try few times.

This game story is really good, it touches many aspects of our lives, like what does it mean to be adult, how to be a good friend or a good person or why sometimes there are no good choices. Maybe we will not get straight answers from this game for our problems, but it can change something in us.

Main characters of this game are well designed and you can feel their problems of everyday life from our lives as well. You should play it twice for full story of them. Secondary characters are also great and most conversations are really interesting.

Note, that this game is mostly a story, there is no "combat" and in the most part no one is rushing you, so take your time and explore.

For someone, who never played other soulslike games, it was kinda fun. Discovering new ways of killing enemies was cool.

However I need to admit, combat can be pretty slow and awkward in some places, animations can take a long time, both main character and enemies.

Story was average, could be improved in some aspects (especially NPC from main side quest).

Also game likes to crash, if you use poison/fire attack on the boss, which uses attack with this kind of damage, so just a warning.

I burned my kettle, because I was focused on killing enemies instead of making my tea.

Pretty average platformer.
There are issues in this game, camera is sometimes not working too well, pretty often you need to try and error on which element of the world you can jump or can't (because there is an invisible wall there).

Story is also not complicated, without story game would feel the same.

It was nice to go back to this series, but i think Kao deserves better.

This was my first Fallout game i played and I had a lot of fun in this game.

There are a lot of choices to make, a lot of places to visit and a lot of enemies to kill. There are some small bugs, which appear from time to time (and some crashes), but other than this it's a great time to play for all RPG players.

You can shoot to warheads to make them explode!

For sure it's an interesting DLC, not too long, with good story.
It can be hard in some places, but if you do this DLC last, you should have no problem.

A bit specific humour, but it's a fun DLC.
Just please, no more roboscorpions.

Story was good, I really liked it. However gameplay wise, especially first part of the DLC was not so enjoyable for me.

A bit short DLC, but with interesting story and some characters.

Better than first game in my opinion. Still, if you like South Park, you should try it and if you don't like South Park, you probably should not play it.

However gameplay is better, there are more strategy in combat, especially on hardest difficulty. It's not too hard on hardest difficulty, but at least you need to do something, on easier difficulties combat is boring.

If you like South Park, you should try this game. If you don't, then you will not like most of the story and jokes.

From gameplay perspective it's a fun rpg game, but nothing too special and pretty easy